Obama is creating a team of individuals whose skill it is to - TopicsExpress


Obama is creating a team of individuals whose skill it is to "influence behavior". So is brainwashing the American people a viable path forward? World Net Daily: Maya Shankar, a White House adviser cultivating a team tasked with subtly influencing Americans’ behavior, previously worked closely with the George Soros-funded Center for American Progress, WND has learned. Shankar has discussed utilizing cognitive science for social activism and is a champion of so-called social justice. FoxNews ran a piece Tuesday on Shankar’s team, which is seeking experienced behavioral scientists looking to change people’s actions on everything from tax compliance to energy costs. Shankar compiled a document outlining her “Behavioral Insights Team,” explaining a “growing body of evidence suggests that insights from the social and behavioral sciences can be used to help design public policies that work better, cost less, and help people to achieve their goals.” One professor who forwarded Shankar’s document to others affectionately referred to the effort as the White House “nudge” squad. As FoxNews pointed out, policies aimed at altering a population’s attitude became known as “nudges” after the term was popularized by Obama’s controversial former regulatory czar, Cass Sunstein, who penned a 2008 book called “Nudge.” Shankar, a late-20s Yale graduate, has been described as a wunderkind. She joined the Obama administration in April as a senior policy advisor at the White House Office of Science & Technology Policy. While at Yale, Shankar founded and served as editor-in-chief of The Five, a magazine committed to social activism and social justice. Her magazine was sponsored by the Soros-funded Center for American Progress, or CAP. Shankar also was a member of the Student Advisory Board for Campus Progress, the campus wing of CAP. CAP is partially funded by George Soros.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Aug 2013 13:16:16 +0000

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