ObamaCare Update 10/29: People often ask me what they can do to - TopicsExpress


ObamaCare Update 10/29: People often ask me what they can do to make a difference. How can we return our country to the people? The answer is simple. We need Republicans, Democrats, Independents, and Libertarians to all come together and acknowledge that while there are differences between our philosophies there are certain core principles that we all can agree on. One of those principles is that we should always expect to be told the truth by our government. Lying to the people is unamerican, and disrespects both the intelligence of the voters and the memory of those who sacrificed so that we may live free. NBC, CBS, ABC, and a host of other news outlets have all reported that President Obama lied to the people when he said “if you like your health plan, you will be able to keep your health plan.” As NBC reports, millions of Americans will be losing their health insurance as a result of the new healthcare law. Are we as a country going to accept this behavior? Or are we going to stand up and say this is unacceptable for ANY President. Again, this isnt a partisan message, but rather a test for our country. Are we so consumed with partisanship that those who voted for President Obama will refuse to hold him accountable for breaking their trust? Are there too many Americans who will simply stand back and say that the end justified the means, and that its okay to be lied to by our President if it helps further your personal ideological agenda? What Im asking is not difficult for many of you, but for others it will be a challenge. I need everyone who agrees with this message to post the NBC article on facebook. Dont call the President names, dont make generalizations about Democrats, but simply ask the question, Are you okay with the government lying to you? and post the non-bias NBC article. Engage your friends, especially those who voted for President Obama. I know many of you dont like being political on facebook, but Id ask that you make an exception today. If we as a country allow this kind of behavior, were asking for it to continue. This is an issue that is best resolved by the people, and its the people who need to rise up and say this is unacceptable behavior for any elected official, let alone the President of the United States. Start a conversation, and lets see if we can make a difference nbcnews.to/1gXJ7ko
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 12:54:06 +0000

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