Oct 5 at 8:59 PM My New Friend... Wolf Autumn, is one of - TopicsExpress


Oct 5 at 8:59 PM My New Friend... Wolf Autumn, is one of the best times of the year. As I walk in the still of the night, the big harvest moon shines over my head, casting shadows big and small. With each step I take, with each breath I inhale, with every little animal who crosses my path, life overwhelms me with all its glory. Thank you God for my eyes to see all of this; thank you God for my ears to hear natures call, and thank you for life and all of natures ways. Well, that says about everything... I stopped in my tracks. I heard an usual sound ahead and it was near. I hid behind a huge bush. Then, there was a muffling sound, like someone had fallen face down to the ground. I quietly stepped out behind the bush, then went toward the sound. Slowly, I walked closer. Then to my surprise, I saw it. A small wolf dog. Calmly, I knelt down to the ground, I carefully reached the dog. Facing him, I said... Little fella, let me help you! He whimpered, then cried out. That was when I saw the small trap. I gently lifted his little paw from out of the trap. He fell backwards then just cried out. When I went to get closer, he started to get up, but found he could not. I went to him, and slowly picked up his paw and checked to see if it was broken. It was not, I did see that it was bruised a bit. I started to rub it ever so gently, and then said... Little fella, you are one lucky dog, you must of not been in the trap for long. And thanks to me, I have saved you from the evils of these woods! As I got closer, his little head bent down, and he licked my hand. He put his paw on my leg, I put my arms around his little body, then gave him hug, then said... You will be fine! I looked for a collar, there was none. Im sure no one wanted him, so they decided to just dump him here in the dark woods. How could anyone be so damn cruel. I looked into his big brown eyes then said... You know fella, when I first saw you, I thought you were a wolf. So, guess what? Your new name is Wolf! With that, he leaned towards me as if to say.. Thank You! He was now, my fella, my friend, my dog name... Wolf! Its now been a week since the day I first met Wolf, and his paw has healed, and so has his soul. As I think back, It leaves me to think of the past... As a little girl, my parents had always promised me a puppy. Then at six years old (on my birthday), I was to have my very own puppy... but, it did not happen. A truck hit my parents head on. Killed them both, along with the puppy that was for me! That was suppose to be the happiest day of my life. But, it ended, I had no parents, and no puppy. I was then sent to an orphanage, no one to care for me. I was my parents only child. I was a child, that was not suppose to happen. But it did. I was bounced from five different homes, no one wanted an older child, they wanted babies. That was fine with me. At fifteen, I ran away from this one home. I hated it there, I did not belong. That was also fine, there were three brothers who always wanted to hurt me. Its tough being a girl, around these thugs. Thank God, Boot Camp taught me to defend myself from thugs like the Grim brothers. I swear... the board that hit and split Jones head must of hurt like hell. I just wished I had killed him like he killed that little puppy! ;-( Lets see... That was about seven years ago. I wonder if the Grim brothers still live in Chester (thats a small town in Maine). I really liked that town, it was small and the country was beautiful. I remember the rolling hills and beautiful wild flowers, the pine trees smelled awesome. Before I get too far ahead of my story... This one day, Jones, Tom and Phil (Grim brothers)wanted this puppy, and of course their dad gave them one. It was the cutest puppy Ive ever seen. His name was Grump. Why that name, I do not know. He was a puppy, a puppy full of life and always happy. This one day, I heard a noise behind the shed. I ran to see what all the commotion was. I saw Jones hitting the puppy with a board. I jumped in front of the puppy just as Jones took the board and hit me with it. I screamed, then the puppy went for Jones, and as the puppy went for him, Jones took the board and whacked him until he put the puppy out of his misery. I tried to get up, then stumbled, but got right up and grabbed the board from him and I began to strike Jones with it. Thats when his dad came out of the house. Of course I still had the board in my hands, and was still beating the shit out of him when his dad saw me. He called the police and thats why I was sent to Boot Camp. Jones dad said I killed the puppy, and was trying to kill his son Jones. I had my day in court, pleated not guilty, but was still sent away. I spent seven years in Boot Camp. Now at twenty one years old, Im on my own and free to go where I please. But not free of the horrible memory that lingers deep in my heart for that little puppy, whos name was Grump! ;-( So.. here I am walking to nowhere in particular, and by my side... a dog I named Wolf, who now belongs to me. Thank you mom and dad, I do believe...Wolf was sent to me by you both! Lavina Burgess
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 02:25:27 +0000

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