October 10, 2014 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity - TopicsExpress


October 10, 2014 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report Oct. 8, 2014 Lunar Eclipse and Solar Wind Hit Collision Oct. 8, 2014 Geomagnetic Storm Oct. 8, 2014 R1 Radio Blackout Oct. 8, 2014 Earth Facing M 1.3 Flare Sunspot 2182 Oct. 8, 2014 Earth Facing M 1.4 Flare Sunspot 2182 Oct. 8, 2014 Earth Facing M 1.2 Flare Sunspot 2182 Oct. 8, 2014 Mag 7.1 Earthquake Southern East Pacific Rise Oct. 8, 2014 Mag 6.6 Earthquake Southern East Pacific Rise Oct. 8, 2014 Time Shift and Time Line Edit Activity Oct. 8, 2014 Time Line Looping Entangling Oct. 9, 2014 In my October 1, 2014 report I wrote, in part about a Time Shift time line looping phenomenon that began in October. In my October 7, 2014 lunar eclipse report I wrote, in part, that an expected solar wind might become entangled with the October 8, 2014 total lunar eclipse. I explained, that if these two events collided that this could effect potential Time Shift activity by interfering with the type of Earth-Sun connection that the solar wind hit might cause - namely geomagnetic storm conditions. That collision is exactly what happened, and the results can be partly seen in a confluence of Sun and Earth events that were all compacted into October 8, 2014 events. My list, at the top of this report, should give you all an indication of just how wild things became. Remember, what we can see is only the tip of the iceberg of what is actually going on with Time Shift activity. The evidence is remarkable. The first uploaded photo, taken by Rocky Raybell, shows the lunar eclipse in action on October 8, 2014. The other upload documents the NOAA k-index for October 8, 2014 - and that there was a brief geomagnetic storm during the eclipse. It was triggered by the expected solar wind hit. There was no geomagnetic activity for a week or more prior to the solar wind hit. Then the Sun and the Earth exploded into a frenzy of activity. This includes 3 Earth facing M flares - all from sunspot 2182. None of these M flares produced a coronal mass ejection {CME] due to their short duration - at least that is what we see from this co-existing time line. Other co-existing time lines may have documented powerful CMEs, with some of the CME energy heading toward Earth. In fact, all of the solar flare activity, on October 8, 2014, was produced by sunspot 2182 - which at the time was in the lower right quadrant of the Sun. One or more, of these 3 M flares, triggered an R1 radio blackout on Earth. Then there were those 2 earthquakes, on October 8, 2014. The first was a magnitude 7.1 earthquake on the Southern East Pacific Rise hundreds of miles in the water near Chile. Shortly thereafter, a magnitude 6.6 earthquake happened on the Southern East Pacific Rise - but in a different location. Both of these earthquakes were triggered by the Time Shift activity on the day they erupted. As I have written many times - including in my Time Shift marker section - some earthquakes are triggered by some time Shift activity due to frequency changes occurring during time line edits. The geomagnetic storm did not trigger these earthquakes. Geomagnetic storms do not trigger earthquakes. I received thousands of reports about odd doings on October 8 and October 9, 2014. Besides the usual categories, the most reported experience was a worldwide confusion where people got the two dates confused. In fact, people had a lot of trouble keeping straight which day was which, especially when October 9 and October 8, 2014 continued to switch places. This messed up appointments, messaging, paying bills, and all manner of annoying blunders concerning the entanglement with these two dates. This has calmed down, but some day and date confusion has carried over into today October 10, 2014. This is an example of the time looping that I told you all about. Have not read it yet, nor any of the other reports that I mentioned? Just go down this wall and start reading. Knowledge is a beautiful thing. Here is a brief summary of what to watch for in Time Shift markers. Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, co-existing time line cross streaming, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more. Learn more about my Time Shift Alerts starfiretor/CoreMatrix/TSAlerts_TOC.html
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 22:02:06 +0000

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