October 12, 2014 Dear family & friends, We are so sorry to be - TopicsExpress


October 12, 2014 Dear family & friends, We are so sorry to be so long in updating you. This has been the longest 12 day of our lives. We’ve really had no extra energy. Everything we had went into making decisions for Victoria and supporting our other kids through this surreal process. As you know, on Wednesday, October 1, we went to the hospital with a headache. After a CT scan in the emergency room and a visit from our neurosurgeon, we were taken to ICU. By 6:45 Victoria was in the operating room having a drain put into her brain. On Thursday, we had an MRI for a more detailed look. It was then that we were told there was a mass that was causing pressure in her head (and was responsible for her hemorrhage in June) and they would need to do a biopsy as soon as possible. By late Friday afternoon, she was again in the operating room for a biopsy. They were able to get good samples, and pathology took the next 3 days to conduct an analysis to determine the type of mass. On Monday, we met with the oncology team who told us the preliminary results. Unfortunately, it is a tumor which is growing quickly. Ideally, they would like to remove the tumor, but based on the location, they cannot remove it without causing major loss of function. At this point we are trying to figure out a treatment plan which will begin next week. Before we can start treatments, we still needed to deal with the brain drainage issue. So on Thursday, they tried to create a new pathway for the fluid to drain from the brain. Unfortunately, this was not showing promise, so they installed a shunt (tube from the brain to the belly, under the skin). She is recovering from this procedure, and has had both head and belly pain since then. They say this should subside within a week. She will take this week to rest, before she starts treatments. We were able to come home tonight. So, dear prayer warriors, we need your prayers now more than ever. We are exhausted. Victoria is weak from three brain surgeries in 10 days. All of us are still in shock and really don’t have the words to articulate our anguish. Therefore, if you happen to see us out and we shy away, please don’t be offended. At this point, we have no needs except your prayers. Tim & Joan
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 03:05:10 +0000

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