Oh Kenzie, my dearest daughter. I am soooo tired! Why arent you? - TopicsExpress


Oh Kenzie, my dearest daughter. I am soooo tired! Why arent you? Please snuggle up here on the couch with Mommy. No more pitching, show Mommy sweet hands! Please quit biting with the four teeth you finally just got in. Give Mommy kisses instead remember? No, I dont want to ROOOOOLLLLLLL, Im about to throw YOU in the oven in a minute! Stop giving me that Meemaw face, while its cute during my lunch breaks, thats 12 pm, NOT 12 am! Kenzie Erin, if you dont get off Meemaws Pepsi case Im going to bust your butt!!! Ok, heres my hand, lets go change your diaper. Why are you crying? You wanted your diaper changed, remember you took my hand and walked me in here. Aw, now youre being Mommys sweet girl! Are you ready for night night now? Aw, sweet hands! You want to go night night in your swing? Okay Mommy will buckle you in. Ow, NO MORE PINCHING! Fine, get out. One more high pitched scream and your going in time out! Do you want Mommy to make you a sippy baby girl? Ok, Mommy will make you a sippy. Kenzie Erin Huber, off of Meemaws Pepsi case, NOW! NO, I DO NOT WANT TO SEE MEEMAW FACE! Dont laugh at me! Fine, ROOOOOLLLLLLL it, and throw it in the oven for Kenzie and me. Do you want to snuggle cuddle Kenz? Aw, you do? Ok, let Mommy finish making your sippy, go get your nanu so we can snuggle cuddle! Kenz, heres your....get off that coffee table right now! You can not climb on the table baby, you will fall and get bad owies. NO! This does not mean you can go night night on the coffee table! Please, please, please, can we please just go night night? Please?!!!
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 05:05:43 +0000

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