Ok ,guid People o Scotland heers ma plan B tae the NO Campaigns - TopicsExpress


Ok ,guid People o Scotland heers ma plan B tae the NO Campaigns question o whit wed dae if England ,Ireland n Wales said NAW tae us yaisin the Brittish Poond ....Simlpes ....Weve goat oor ain Scottish Poond its cawd the Bank of Scotland ur the Clydesdale Bank..wee heer in Scotland awredy huv oor ain currency ,sae whits aw the bothir aboot let the English keep ther Sterling n wee keep oors ..fgs.....As fur this arguement aboot us huvin tae re-apply fur entry tae EUROPE ...this is true bit let jist think fur a wee meenit .....Hypotetical situation ..Scotland votes fur Independence oan September 18th 2014...Noo technically Scotland IS stull pairt o Europe tae March 2016 hin we officially bcum Independent ..noo we heer in Scotland huv twa years tae negotiate oorsels back intae Europe ...Sae aw this bloody scaremongerin frae this lot in theNO campaign disnae amoont tae a hill o beenzzz n weel they ken ...ye evn heard that last nicht wi the verbal non arguement frae this sae cawd Scottish Secretary hes stull tae gie a reply whin questiond bae The Deputy Furst Meenister oan the Scotland Tonight programme...thats cos ther huvnae goat oany answers thaimsels ...Remember this oor Finance Meenister cun oanly wurk wi the money hes goat cos its Westmeenster thit dictates whay much they gie him tae spend evry year n this is whiy he cunnae gie oany mair oot n the Joanna Lamont n aw hur cronies ken this costhey wid be in the same position ifthey wur in power ...this is whiy if we hopefully becum Independent the BILLIONS thit wee gie doon tae Westmeenster wull stiy heer in oor coffers n Westmeenster cum go tae hell ...the question they doon sooth huv tae answer whay ur they goonae cope withocht oor billions cos ther gonnae huv tae fin this money frae sumwhaur bit NO FRAE US .....then lets see whitll happen ......Scotland CAN go it alone ner mine aw this bloody scaremongerin ...VOTE YES OAN SEPTEMBER 18TH 2014.....Believe in yersels ,..Believe in yer country o Scotland ....Dae ye really think aw these Foreign n English Companies us suddenly gonnae up stickS n go hame tae ther ain country cos thats whit the NO Campaign ur tellin us whit a LOAD O PISH........Scotland the Brave ...then be BRAVE VOTE YES..
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 18:55:52 +0000

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