Ok, my cat psychologist friends, time for some advice. As you - TopicsExpress


Ok, my cat psychologist friends, time for some advice. As you know, we introduced a new rescue cat to the home about 3 weeks ago. For about a week now, both cats have had the run of the house. Before this the new one...cat 2...was in one room with a gate in the doorway. From day one cat 1 hissed and cried at cat 2, claiming her territory. Cat 2 did nothing in return. Over last 2 days though, cat 2 asserting herself more and more. When cat 1 walks through a room, cat 2 now chases after her in a sneak attack. With no claws, they just powder puff slap each other, hiss and move on. Obviously, both cats, as well as us, are stressed. We use feliway...not sure if its working. Any suggestions on helping them get past this phase and hopefully on their way to getting along?? Shouldve just gotten a picture of a cat.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 01:41:35 +0000

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