Ok,so after yesterdays debate,a lot was revealed and I think its - TopicsExpress


Ok,so after yesterdays debate,a lot was revealed and I think its about time we levelled with each other and stop acting like we are in a CINDERELLA fairy tale story. Firstly,all opinions im about to outlay are my opinions and they do not reflect on my company, my family or my artists. With that being said,legggooo.... Yes our industry is in ICU,any Tom dick and harry can see that. Our levels of success cannot be compared to those of international artists. We have always blamed it on the population but truth is our way of doing things has failed us,not the population or the public. WE the industry have failed our fans. We have failed to unite, though i will applaud Dogg and Gazza for taking such a brave step which we should all follow. There is immaturity in how we handle our issues and truth is our business ethics suck. We do not have a structure that protects us or our music and organisations like NASCAM can only do so much as they are understaffed,underfunded and are not provided with updated technology to sustain the process of monitoring our music. We are so desperate to succeed that we have allowed people like Tim Ekanjo and the NAMAS TO PLAY A GAME OF CHESS WITH US AND WITH OUR MUSIC. We are so desperate that we allow promoters to decide how much we are worth rather than us providing our quotes. We are so desperate that institutions like UNAM have students asking for bribes so that your artist can perform at their events. The quality of our music is not up to standard because we are allowing our best sound engineers like burton and David Terren to rot in Namibia and migrate to SA,when we could have been using their expertise and skill to give our music the right quality. We the producers want to lie and say a song has been mixed and mastered when the song sounds like it came from a toilet. There is no legit criteria that depicts who is the best or currently the most happening because its a policy of fake it till you make it,its about who knows who and not how good your music is. When we have radio DJs like cheeze who tell it like it is,DJ Ex who will tell you are whack!!!those are the ones we want to isolate because we do not want to hear the truth. We host substandard shows and advertise them in a rush and expect people to attend when you have shows like Hart Van Windhoek advertised for 3 months using all mediums possible. We are a dying art because we do not have companies available to organise our launches or events for us,we want to do everything ourselves. We are scared to venture into new markets,we are ready to blame channel o and MTV base for not playing our videos instead of admitting our videos are not of international quality. And we have developed a fake mentality of praising even idiotic ideas and horrible music,we entertain nonsense and allow people who have no interest in the industry other than their pockets and unjustified egos to take control of our hard work. And most of all we are scared to talk coz we fear we will be pushed to the side. How do we expect our fans to support us if we cannot give them glam and make them feel special at our events. How do you expect people to come to your hotel everyday if all you keep feeding them is pap and dry meat on plastic plates? Truth is the public love successful stories and successful people. The Public like being spoiled and entertainment is showbiz, showing off!!! The public want to see us succeed but we need to give them reason to support our success. There is no effort in going all out in making our shows the talk of town. Look at the wild n colour bash.Now that is what we need in our country. Its not hard to get 2000 people at a venue.coz i see 2000 to 3000 people at Evelyn street every weekend. Our music as failed to penetrate the clubs and parties now like back then and its Nigerian music and house all day. I am coming forward and saying I am also part of the problem. Its time we gave the people the floor and really started listening to them coz its their money we need,aint it????
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 08:08:03 +0000

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