Ok so six months ago yesterday I had lovely Amelia. In that time - TopicsExpress


Ok so six months ago yesterday I had lovely Amelia. In that time I’ve actually gained about half a stone and I weigh more now than when I was pregnant. Not sure how its crept on as I have followed a carefully balanced diet of chips, fizzy drinks, cheese, wine, white bread and coffee rushed in between juggling everything but now is the time of change. Saunders I know you laugh at my candid facebook messages but this one isn’t just about losing weight, it’s about a life change. I’ve already started one of my new year’s resolutions and that is to paint but this one is bigger and will take a mammoth effort. Well, one of my favourite programmes when it is on is the biggest loser. I just love it when they give the numbers at the end and you can see who has been a fatty or who has really worked so here it is is, my mini biggest loser feature. Don’t read if you are not interested but I find the peer pressure of going public with something adds far more pressure than simply cheating and buying those bigger clothes… I’m doing this for me: babies take a bit of that mojo and I’m not as confident as usual but it has been a bit of a rough ride lately. I’m also doing it for my children. I’m not sure my body will withstand my amazing diet and work - out schedule forever and after two major surgeries last year I faced my own mortality. Anyway, here’s to the fun bit. I may be boring for a while just talking about food and being active but don’t follow if its tedious and I know I’ve been inspired by Sam and Shaz recently so maybe I might inspire someone too – who knows. People who know me get that I don’t do anything by halves and if I’m doing this, I’m doing it properly, with goals. So: here is my first one. 2lbs a week until my birthday on March the 20th. I’m currently 11stone 2lbs which is proper chubster for me but as I’m not having any more children, the weight is coming off this time and its staying off!!! My overall target weight is 9stone 7lb with a toned body and I will actually have to do those dreaded sit ups to get there but it’s just about eating right and putting the effort in. With a baby I don’t have the money for a personal trainer or flashy gym but I do have track pants, running shoes and a sturdy pram so the baby can come with me. I do have the internet so I can watch excersize routines and maybe even learn yoga. Who knows. Well, it’s out there. If I don’t do this I look like a proper spod who can’t stick to anything. I’ll take some “Before” pictures today but absolutely no way ever I’m posting those bad boys until the weight has gone – NNNNNOOOOOO WAAAYYYY. Enough writing – now for action… watch this space…. xxxx
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 09:45:56 +0000

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