Okay Facebook, Time for some public naming and shaming! Please - TopicsExpress


Okay Facebook, Time for some public naming and shaming! Please feel free to share this around as much as you like. Today at about 10.30am in Charlestown McDonalds drive thru, I witnessed some appalling behaviour from two employees from a business called Hulk Lawn and Mowing Services whilst they were in their work uniforms. I was sitting in the drive through lane with a car in front of me at the speaker box when I saw two fully grown men in about their 30s-40s storming around the corner whilst yelling and screaming abuse at a young female McDonalds employee in tow, who looked like she would have only been about 16 at the most. They were pointing at speaker box, swearing and carrying on whilst the young girl was being very apologetic and trying to explain the situation to them. I called out to them from my car window to stop speaking to the young girl the way they were but they completely ignored me and just kept going. After they had had their fill of abusing the young girl they stormed back to where they came from. I asked the young employee if she was okay and she would not stop apologising to me. I told her firmly not to apologise because the men shouldnt have been speaking to her the way they were. I heard more yelling from around the corner and decided to jump out of my car and make sure I saw everything just in case the police were called and they needed a witness. When I arrived around the corner I saw the two men yelling more abuse at more of the McDonalds employees and one of the men was even challenging the young male manager to a fight. The young girl kept apologising to the men and asked them not to swear and argue as it was a family restaurant and there were children inside witnessing the scene. The men ignored her and kept carrying on until they received their order and left. After seeing all of this unfold I decided to google their company name and give their company a call to report what their employees had been doing. The first person I spoke to was a man named Craig and when I explained to him why I was calling he proceeded to tell me that he was one of the men involved in the incident and that the reason why he and his colleague were acting the way they were was because the male manager at McDonalds had argued with them about their order and that he started abusing them first. I explained to him that I was there and had seen him and his mate abusing the young girl to which he tried to deny and then further blamed the male manager for the situation. When I directly asked what it was that the young girl had done wrong to deserve the abuse she copped, he hung up on me. When I had a bit more of a look at the companies Website I realised that the man I spoke to was in fact the owner of the business. I decided to call the police and report the situation just incase anything like that was to happen again with the men. The lovely constable that I spoke to told me that there had already been another report about the incident from a young mother who witnessed it with her children. The constable said that she had rang the man and spoke to him and said that he pretty much said the same thing to her that he had said to me, blaming the manager and that unfortunately there was nothing that she could do about such disgusting behaviour and apologised. She said that from speaking to him he seemed like he was the type of person to do something like that over a burger and that he obviously had issues. I believe that this sort of behaviour is unacceptable in our society and that it was very unwise for these men to behave the way they did whilst wearing their work uniforms as they are promoting the image of their company by doing so. Please share this story around so that anyone who does business with their company are aware of the type of behaviour that their employees display in public and will think wisely about choosing their services.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 08:26:34 +0000

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