Okay, President Clownshoes is up to some really sneaky garbage. - TopicsExpress


Okay, President Clownshoes is up to some really sneaky garbage. This morning he reinstated both Fugitive Slave acts, the first from 1793, which Allowed local governments to Hunt down runaway slaves and return them to their "owners". The law also imposed a penalty on anyone assisting said runaway slaves. The second fugitive slave act (1850) was designed to enact tougher Penalties upon anyone assisting a Runaway slave. Both versions of the Runaway slave act were repealed by congress in 1864. Now here is the Million dollar question, my friends, Why in heavens name, is president clownshoes re-enacting this garbage. There is no slavery in this country. Lincoln emancipated all the slaves in 1865 just before his assassination. Could it be they are Planning on enslaving a certain portion of the Population? Say those who wont cowtow too every little whim of our Communist in chief ? Say everyone who stands by the constitution? Or those whom are Christian that do not want shariah law enacted on American soil ? He needs to be held accountable for doing this stuff Guys, congress needs to be held accountable. Our GOVERNMENT IS NOT FOR FREEDOM THEY ARE AGAINST ANYONE HAVING FREEDOM. There are those out there whom are attempting to save whats left of our republic. Yet Millions on top of millions of Americans are sitiing their in your 150,000.00 dollar homes with your mercedes in the garage, 2.2 kids who are addicted to a game console. Your more worried about American Idol and "twerking" . REALLY???? Get real people, you damn well WAKE THE HECK UP, or after the Patriots are all gone..... Mark my words..........They will turn on you too, Then where will you turn????????????
Posted on: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 17:58:10 +0000

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