Okay. So this is kinda how I see Red DEAD at this point. Its dead. - TopicsExpress


Okay. So this is kinda how I see Red DEAD at this point. Its dead. Not dying...dead. But yet we still have morons wanting to bring in mods and continue to push the servers to its limit. Even though its limits is already strained. We have a new generation of children that want to become Gods of Rdr. To make big names for themselves. To follow in the footsteps of some of the greats. WEST...Great White...Motive..(Just to name a few.) What this new generation is lacking to comprehend, is those days are gone. The days of the great hours long mod wars. The communicating with your clan members in a party who is moving where..which enemy hit transport..who joined in and where...who has a whitetop..telling your fellow clan member to drop a horse so you can move...where they can re enter the session at..ect. its over. You will never experiance that. What that picture represents is what your doing. Trying to pick the last bits of meat off the bones of a game that has no meat left. None of you have any compassion for the game. You could careless what the effects are. As long as you make a name. As long as people take notice when you enter a session. Your all in it for the wrong reason. And none of you will ever be even close to what they are. Because the time of becoming a legend has passed. So before you run through the sessions boasting of your amazing wagons...or antifreeze or human mount...what ever it is...take the time to learn to make your mods. THAT is what what makes the Greats great. They didnt just run mods. They created them. Your all inferior to them. You will NEVER be them. Let the game go in peace. Myself....im over it. When I think of Red Dead...the picture below is what I see. And just remember lil noobies...you will never be them. You will be the guys who bullied randoms on a broken game. Because all of the modders...the modded clans...they are gone. Its just you chasing your tail trying to convince yourself your worthy and looking for someone who will pass you files or searching the internet for mediafire files to download. That is sad. That is not a Great. It never will be. RIP RED DEAD REDEMPTION. Hope to see it on xbox one come spring
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 03:41:00 +0000

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