Okay, folks, so who reads and knows The Bible? I am asking - TopicsExpress


Okay, folks, so who reads and knows The Bible? I am asking because it is nearly time and for those who do not, or do not pray, believe, etc., then this is for you if you want and will take it, as well as for everyone willing to believe in Jesus Christ, because I guarantee you, the time (End) is near. Salvation is easy; it is in the letting go of the World and the things of it that are not, so I am here to tell you that all it takes is for you to get on your knees (figuratively or literally does not matter but in prayer in His name) and pray in the name of Jesus Christ, in asking his forgiveness and you do not even have to name what you are asking forgiveness for, because Jesus Christ already knows and will forgive you if you honestly ask in his name. Prayers in the name of Jesus Christ, plus a plea for forgiveness and putting yourself as far as you possibly can, in Jesus Christ’s hands are all that it takes. I shit you f----n’ not! We all possess a Spiritual, as well as a physical body, so you, nor does anyone know who I am Spiritually, or for that matter, who anyone else is Spiritually, so before you laugh, or worse yet, before you begin turning others’ minds away from what you hate, or just do not understand or want in the first place, then leave it alone and allow everyone a chance, because, HEY! You may be going against God himself, because as I had written, you do not know that whomever is sharing a message may have received the message directly from Jesus Christ/God/Creator himself… I am not Jesus Christ, nor do I believe that I am anyone important in God’s Plan, but something keeps me going and continuously dwelling upon completely opening myself up to Jesus Christ so that I can receive the messages that he wants everyone to hear and know and when he reveals them to me, I share without fear, so here is something that I had shared in October, of 2011 within a blog, followed by something that came to me within a dream last night, which concerns, “Wormwood.” The content from the 2011 blog will be first with two dashes and three pound signs (--###/###--) indicating the beginning and the end and the content of last night’s dream summed up in two Bible verses will begin and end with triple parenthesis’ followed by a real life, shared description of, Wormwood, for you to contemplate. Read and believe if you will, but do not judge, because you may just be judging yourself… --### I am not Jesus Christ, nor do I consider myself a prophet of God, but during the early ‘90’s and after a lifetime of searching for “The Truth,” because I had to know it and I had to know it without a doubt, Creator began doling it out to me. The Truth only began to come after I’d read The Bible for myself, with my first-ever-reading happening on October 10, 1991. After reading and learning about Jesus Christ, from The Bible and after reading from Genesis to Revelation and after seeing how Mother Earth was being destroyed because of our Evil greed, I knew that my search had ended and that “now,” all that was left was for me to completely give myself-up to Jesus Christ, so that I could have The Truth and somehow help to stop the corruption and restore order here, because of the suffering and destruction that I’d seen happening to us and to beautiful, Mother Earth. The very first bit of Truth came during the early 90’s and with power! It began on a nice, sunny, and warm, summer’s day and it caused me to cower and shake, because it came to me directly and not through another person, of which if it would have come via another, as it’s coming from me to you, I think that it would have felt safer and easier for me to accept. First came Revelation Chapter 13:18,”for it is the number of a man”: 6 + 6 + 6 = 18. The very symbol of the system of all current things, because when can you vote, fight in wars, join the system, except at the age of eighteen? From that came Revelation Chapter 13:16, “...to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads”. You use your right hand to say The Pledge of Allegiance. We’re supposed to love God, but when we use affirmations of any kind, we use them from the forehead and the, “I love my country; I love my flag; I love my president...” thoughts all begin in the forehead. Revelation Chapter 17: The Statue of Liberty and all that she connotes and from the beginning of this current system’s power, The Seven Industrialized Nations. Revelation Chapter 13:17: “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Stand in the streets and announce that you do not love the USA, worship the president, or bow down to the flag and see if you will then be capable of buying, or selling... Revelation, “The False Prophet”: Billy Graham, of whom every US president for more than a half century has summoned to The White House just before entering any war and he, Graham, blessed wars and helped to ease and resolve the moral issues and concerns in presidential minds, so that they could begin baltimore.indymedia.org/newswire/display/15882/index.php. Revelation 13 The Beast/The Antichrist: George W. Bush; George W. Bush’s (“Power”) popularity/job rating in his second and final term lasted for 42 months. His terms of office were from January 20, 2001 - January 20, 2005 and from January 20, 2005 - January 20, 2009. His rating went down in July, of 2008. Blasphemy of The Holy Ghost, Matthew 12:31: Get away from The Old Testament - 2 Corinthians Chapter 3. For those of you who have read The Bible, all will be evident, so read Matthew 10:27...and to everyone, pass this on and on and on... ###-- (((Revelation 8:10-11 New King James Version (NKJV) (10) Then the third angel sounded: And a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. (11) The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters became wormwood, and many men died from the water, because it was made bitter.)))
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 19:18:21 +0000

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