Okay, here we go.....First, the NFL is a serfdom, the players are - TopicsExpress


Okay, here we go.....First, the NFL is a serfdom, the players are serfs. The league OWNS them. That said, for those of you who were upset that NFL officials made Robert Lee Griffin III turn that unsolicited solicitation inside/out, get a frickin clue. Freedom of expression is a right....but only when one hasnt yielded that right to their ownership!!! Secondly.....and wheres my GridironGabGroup? Where yat Donnie Nash, Lawrence Johnson IV, Preston Powell III, Orlando East, Alvin Louville Robinson Jr., Cory Wehner, Gregory Bates, Darnell Milton, Reggie Powell, Byron Bates .....others, heres my query: Roger Goodell is on my personal short list of people Id like to see tortured with boiling acupuncture needles.....and he hasnt been near adequate as commissioner of the most popular pro sports league in the world. But.....seriously..... if he were canned today, tomorrow, in a bleam, who would replace him? I understand a new Commish.....and a competent one.....is essential to the leagues well-being and its survival. But, replacing a commissioner is not like replacing a chef. We might be stuck with GoodHell far past any of our tolerance levels!!! Thoughts/light-shedding!!!
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 22:35:22 +0000

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