Okay, heres the plan as it unfolded last night and today: They - TopicsExpress


Okay, heres the plan as it unfolded last night and today: They are going to operate on my heart valve. They dont know if it will be a repair or a replacement -- it depends upon what they find when they get in there. The surgery will take place early Monday morning, and recovery make take 2 weeks (or less). Today, I had a cath of my arteries -- which they said were in excellent condition. I also had an ultrasound of the veins in my neck (for what purpose, Im not very sure). Yesterday, I had a new esophagial cardiogram of real time video of my heart working to compare to the old one they did several weeks ago and I was visited yesterday and today by the surgeon and the surgeons assistant, the infectious diseases doctors (2 of them) and the cardiologist. So, all is set for 7:30 am Monday. If things are bad enough in there, I was told they also might have to perform bypass surgery. (Somehow with the glowing praises they had today for my arteries, however, I dont think so...) I went all day today until about 5 pm without anything to eat or drink and just now finished a half turkey sandwich. My LAST IV (I was told) of anti-biotics just finished and the doctor finally approved for me the only sleeping pill that really works for me and they gave me 2 norcos earlier when I was having to lie flat with the cath in because it was killing my back where those 3 compacted discs from the accident are. So, all in all, things are pretty okay for now. Id be lying if I said the prospect of open-heart surgery on Monday morning doesnt scare me... It does. However, on the up side, Ill either live through surgery and get better or Ill die under anesthesia and not wake up which at least wont be painful... That is all.. over.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 05:15:00 +0000

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