Okay, this is a fairly long story so bear with me. It is also an - TopicsExpress


Okay, this is a fairly long story so bear with me. It is also an emotional rollercoaster. My plans for a proposal to the love of my life have been in the works for quite some time, but the idea for the photo op proposal came only 3 weeks prior to #ChiCon. Saturday, during one of the panels, I snuck away and sought some help from the photo-op table. The lovely Marlena, brought me to talk with Chris Schmelke, the convention photographer. Where I asked permission to propose, just after our J2M photo was snapped. Chris kindly obliged my wish with a no problem, Ill take care of you and he wished me good luck. And thats all my plan entailed, a quick proposal just after our picture, where I would not only surprise my love, but the boys as well. And this is the part of the story where our guardian Angel intervened to give a wonderful gift to her mommy. You see, unfortunately and tragically, nearly 13 months ago my beautiful stepdaughter very suddenly and unexpectedly left this world and joined the angels. And just a few minutes before it was our turn to enter the photo op room, through a set of unusual circumstances, my future wife happened to tell Cliff, the boys body guard, why she needed courage to meet the boys. This is where she told cliff the story of her Bailee, and how big a fan of the show she was and how she would be there with us to meet the boys if she could have been. This is very out of the norm for my future wife, she would never put herself in the position of possibly breaking down emotionally in front of an enormous crowd of strangers, and her tv star idols. Cliff, now on the verge of tears himself, then pulled us out of line to have us wait until the other ops were finished. This way we could have an extra minute with the boys, to tell them about their biggest Angel fan. And keep in mind this all happened with her having absolutely no idea I was about to propose. At some point after Cliff pulled us from the line, but before we entered the room, one of the volunteers let him in on my proposal plans. Which he then forwarded to the boys. So now everyone but my Love is now in on this surprise. Now its our turn to meet the boys, and I am insanely nervous, and we come up and introduce selves. My better half tells the boys of their number one fan in heaven, and the story of how Supernatural was her crutch this past year, and at times the boys were the only thing that made her laugh. Now all five of us are in tears and laughing at the funny story of Bailees CarryOn... dance. And my loves favorite dean line theres only two things in world im sure of; number one: bert and ernie are gay. And number two: youre not dying I virgin, not on my watch! The whole room bursts into laughter. Then Jensen turns to me and says dont you have something for us, big guy? And that is where the video starts... Thanks again everyone. And feel free to share the video link.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 23:21:34 +0000

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