On the 1st of September the Dolphin hunt season in Taiji, Japan - TopicsExpress


On the 1st of September the Dolphin hunt season in Taiji, Japan begun again and will continue until March. During this time entire family units of dolphins and small whales will be wiped out. Dolphin trainers and killers work side by side to select the prettiest dolphins (those without visible scars) to go into captivity. They are then sent to perform in marine parks and swim with dolphin programs across the globe. Simultaneously, the rest of the family are massacred, forced to swim in their families blood. The dolphins are sold for their meat which is heavily laced with mercury and in fact toxic to humans. Many Japanese people are unaware that the meat they are consuming is dolphin meat due to mislabeling; and they are also unaware of the high toxicity. The recommended amount of mercury in seafood is 0.4 PPM (Parts Per Million). Dolphin meat from Taiji, Japan was tested and found to contain 4000 PPM of Mercury. Only a small amount of money is made from a dead dolphin, it’s the multi billion pound captivity industry which funds this slaughter. Last year an estimated 164 were taken captive and sent to aquariums across the globe to live out the rest of their life in a ‘bath tub’, and over 800 were slaughtered. This year the Taiji Fishermen’s Union has allowed for a total of 1,938 dolphins and small whales to be either captured or killed. Seven different species are included in this quota: Short-finned Pilot Whales, Striped Dolphins, Bottlenose Dolphins, Risso’s Dolphins, Pantropical Spotted Dolphins, False Killer Whales and Pacific White-sided Dolphins. What is being done to stop this? How can you help? Sea Shepherd’s Cove Guardians are again on the ground in Taiji for the fifth year in a row. Every capture and kill will be live streamed for the world to see putting pressure on Japan; a country that usually takes great pride in honor. They argue it’s there tradition, but how can it be when the majority of Japan doesn’t even know it’s happening? The Cove Guardian Campaign, Infinite Patience, has successfully sparked an international media storm as the world voiced their outrage. They will continue to do so until the slaughter ends. You can follow and support the campaign on facebook here: Sea Shepherd Cove Guardians Page (official) When the entire world is screaming no, they will have to listen. Last year I decided to give my voice to the dolphins of Taiji and created this short video: https://youtube/watch?v=qys185SUMH0 . A combination of music, film and poetry that has now been seen by over 12,000 people across the globe. You too can give them your voice. Please pass this on and do all that you can. For the oceans! Megan Rose Taylor DEFEND.CONSERVE.PROTECT
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 10:03:34 +0000

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