On verge of change as you probably noticed that many things - TopicsExpress


On verge of change as you probably noticed that many things changed,we have stepped in new age of human kind,this new age as i would say would be transmission from Zio-contained world to golden age of human race,let me tell you that this wars we see,russian extremists,isis etc etc are nothing but scenes scenarios that got off hand by zio goverment of USA and Israel,uk,etc etc Look at Ukrainian front!-A ancient pyramid with body which wears golden crow has been found in Crimean peninsula,which ofc Americans and NATO wanted for them self,also similar situation on Saddam Hussein reign of terror,saddam himself gave clearance for all soliders that Nation Museum of Iraq must be protected at all cost!WHY?Answer to that question is ancient Sumerian technology which as far ass we all know in this group brought by ancient Aliens from another world,i will not discuss of this matter for i have no available data,but what i can say,all people who want to make difference in this Zio-controled world is treated as criminal and nothing else,why is that is is on you to decide! Saddam Hussein-wanted to make prosperous nation which would use their national resources for stabilizing the area and using this technology which they got from their ancestors and one day probably making human kind work for each other in a way of respect -what zionists tell about this matter:He was dictator guilty for death of thousands and should be treated as criminal Fidel Castro-a man who made one of most isolated nation in a way he brought it closer to development,but as i know my history and i do know it,he said NO to American imperialists,for Cuba was American controlled nation from its liberation from Spanish government. -zion part of story:Fidel Castro is Communist dog which i guilty for death of his own by starvation Moamer Gaddafi-leader of Libya who made Africa rise from ashes,his scientist found SHITLOAD of water beneath Libyan desert and probably whole Sahara,but even more SHITLOAD of OIL!!!Which as we know is fuel for most zion machines of destruction of human race,he had idea of making Africa the prosperous continent as such it is. -zion telling says that he is tyrant who pays Al-qaida and Boko Haram etc etc kinda groups to destroy civilization i could go on but these are just examples,as far as i know that these Zion government are nothing but parasites for human race,we could get rid of them only if people united,but since we have pro-commie anarchists,femminist,LGBT fighters,ecologists,liberals,conservationist,Nationalist who fight insane fights over internet about which grandad fought in ww2 and why he think his nation should rule the world,i dont have nothing against Nationalities,in fact i dont have nothing against Religions,Races but the extremes!Extremism is biggest disease which is spread ed among humans by zionists just to destroy human race from its roots,there is a core belief in one universe,one mother earth,one unity of people and thats basically all what matters ofc we developed our culture and only segregation which could be understandable would be such as on ethnic groups such as Anglo-Saxons,Slavs,Franks,Iberians etc etc.for i the end we must hold our culture in a way of making this world colorful such as developed of heritage such as dishes,building styles,fashion,festivals,celebrations etc.,i am not a person who will be the wisest off all and smartness,strongest but three years ago i started understanding the NWO plans to humiliate and destroy human race and now where i live in (Croatia) is being flooded massively,1/3 of Croatia is under water,and those are parts which live mostly of Agriculture and farming,live stocking etc. But people here must and all around the world must understand that these disasters are not made on national base,or to destroy nations but on basic need of Draco rule to destroy mother earth and plunder it,people such as nationalist sincerely think that croatia is being attacked by Serbian Chetniks??????WTH???PEOPLE IN CROATIA THAT SAW THE WAR OF 90 SAW THE TERROR AND DONT WANT TO LIVE IN IT AS MUCH AS SERBIANS BUT ZIO- CONTROLLED NATIONAL PARTIES MAKE MASSES BELIEVE THAT ANOTHER MASS OF PEOPLE ARE GUILTY FOR WHICH IS ACTUALLY ZION WORKS,thats the basic principle on how they control us,we must respect our indentety in a way we respect all other,never humiliating one another nor hating but respecting differences and using them for good...as far as i know that i am damn sure i want to make a change but it wont go by marches nor millions of words,but sadly,SADLY,one last Great war for human kind and nothing more,sadly you cannot turn wolf such as Obama in loving nurturing puppy,you can only but bullet in his head and bury him with respect for he is enemy who fought good fight... Carolus von Agram A.D. 2014 9:38 by my timezone
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 07:38:21 +0000

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