One State for Israel A registered NPO No.– 580595890 A - TopicsExpress


One State for Israel A registered NPO No.– 580595890 A Realistic Zionist Plan beyond the “Two States for Two Nations” Idea One state for Israel seeks to resolve the conflict in our region by maintaining Israels rights as the sole sovereign legal custodian of all lands west of the Jordan River. We are determined to find a just solution to the problems that exist in our country with regard to Arab minorities in The Two-State Solution actually contravenes international law, violates the rights of Israel’s citizens and puts Israel’s very existence in grave peril. The Oslo Accords enacted in 1993 have only led to far more bloodshed and terrorism against Israeli citizens, and rather than foster peace among the people of the region, has greatly heightened the hostility of Israel’s Arab neighbors and much of the international community against Israel. The new One State for Israel plan brings an alternative political program based entirely on international law, while ensuring that all human rights of all parties involved are fully kept. The League of Nations clearly stated in 1922 that the Jewish people have a legitimate right and history to all parts of the Land of Israel, as per the ancient Kingdom of Israel. The League of Nations charter declared that the Jewish homeland would be built in all areas between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. The Eastern bank of the Jordan River, which had been designated earlier to be part of the National Jewish homeland, was reassigned to serve as a reservoir of land for the resettlement of all local Arabs. Section 5 of Appendix A (which addressed the Jewish mandate for Palestine, under the Supervision of the Mandate holder – Britain) requires establishing a national home for the Jewish people, with the national territory clearly defined in this Convention as indivisible and belonging exclusively to the Jewish people; this resolution was approved by 51 states, the US Congress and Senate, and was ratified again when the League of Nations became the United Nations in 1946. This law has never been repealed All subsequent decisions such as the United Nations General Assembly Resolution to partition Palestine (Resolution 181) and others were rejected by the Arabs living in the region. This rejection led to a pan-Arab invasion to destroy the State of Israel at its very inception. By the end of Israel’s War of Independence war in 1948, Jordan unilaterally occupied and annexed Judea and Samaria until its subsequent retreat in the 1967 Six Day War. (It is important to note that most of the world’s nations, with the exception of the U.K. and Pakistan rejected Jordan’s sovereignty on these territories.) According to international law, the legal borders of Israel remain unchanged since their establishment by the League of Nations. The U.N. Partition Plan and other decisions and resolutions which were proposed later, were all rejected by one side or the other. Under international law, the oft-cited Arab demand to establish another Arab country within designated areas previously assigned to serve as the Jewish Homeland of Israel contravenes international law! Moreover, areas legally allocated to the Jewish people by the League of Nations, and now mooted for Arab statehood, actually contravenes international law. The mandate indicated that Trans-Jordan would serve as lands to resettle the Arabs living in the region. The legal status of the Arabs in Judea and Samaria (who currently do not hold Israeli citizenship) is as Arab citizens of the land’s reservoir designated for this purpose under international law –i.e. Jordan. This resolution determines that no one may establish an additional state in the territory designated for Israel, and that the Arab Refugee Problem would be eliminated. Israel’s sovereign rights to all territories west of the Jordan River are legally and historically grounded in all territories in the Land of Israel from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River, with Jerusalem as its capital. Our planned initial starting point is the assertion that the State of Israel is the legitimate sovereign of all lands stretching from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean; we also acknowledge the need to solve the issue of a large Muslim minority population, living in areas A and “B in Judea and Samaria. Our plan proposes that the Arabs residing there will be able to lease their current assets from the State of Israel for 10 years within the framework of a limited and independent/tribal administrative areas (supervised security and education), under Israeli law and dominion. At the end of the leasing period, Arabs residing in Judea and Samaria can become citizens of Trans-Jordan or any other Arab country they choose to live in that will accept them. This plan guarantees that (a) no one – Arab or Jew – will be deported from his or her home and/or property which they owned; (b) The property will remain as his possession since the day this plan was signed into law; and (c) these rights cannot be violated by any outside parties or conflicting agreements. Other proposed plans (like two states for two peoples or Autonomy) that give political rights to Arabs in sovereign territory designated to the people of Israel will cause mass influx of Arabs from the Jordan Valley, Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria into other areas of Israel, and the destruction of the Jewish character of Israel, empowerment dramatic conflict and eventually lead to the creation of a Muslim state in Jerusalem, the Jordan Valley, the Galilee, the Negev, Judea, Samaria and Gaza which is contrary to international law intent and designation . The plan will preclude demographic problems and apartheid infractions and is based on full adherence to international law and human rights protective laws. Perhaps most importantly, because the plan meets the basic requirements of the Political Right and Political Left in Israel, it unites our nation. Copyright © * 2014 * One State for Israel *, All rights reserved. Bank transfers should be sent to Bank HaDoar account number 8116708 —-Attn: One state for Israel —Our mailing address is PO Box 3511 Ganey Tikva 55900 Israel https://facebook/DroraBatMelech/posts/10204931664232667?comment_id=10204932079843057&offset=0&total_comments=1¬if_t=feed_comment
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 07:09:28 +0000

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