One last rant, I pull up to the library parking lot. Under visitor - TopicsExpress


One last rant, I pull up to the library parking lot. Under visitor parking spot. No big deal, its just a parking spot. Not handicapped, not a fire lane. And out there, is sitting a security guard writing tickets. So I am getting out of the car, and I point blank ask him Crap, are you seriously writing me a parking ticket right now? He laughed, and said No, dont worry, I am not. So I went in to school, Ive been working (And whining on FB a little) come out for some water, and that little DWEEB left me a damn parking ticket, ARE YOU KIDDING ME... ARE...YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME. You know what? visitors do not pay out the ass to go to school here, visitors arent struggling with projects, papers, mid terms. This parking lot should have a student priority here, and visitors should be so damn lucky if they can catch a spot here. Why do they need this library anyways? Hm? There are two or three other libraries in the valley. And this jerkwad, wants to ticket me for parking there. Guess what buddy, I am coming for you into the security office. And I am ripping up that ticket in your face, because.. (excuse my mouth) but Bullshit. I am broke, and working my ass off here. You sir, are ridiculous. And on TOP of that, I am also going to take the other retard parking ticket you gave me for supposedly parking in a fire line, which I didnt, because the idiot school put a parking spot NEXT to the red line, not on it. SO you.. can suck it. I am angry. And I am NOT paying those tickets. Be prepared, I am coming for you security office. And you will not like me. Just not today. I have a lot of work to do. End rant. I am sorry if I offended anyone. I think all of my straws got drawn.....
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 18:18:18 +0000

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