One of the clear messages I have received through the events of - TopicsExpress


One of the clear messages I have received through the events of the last week, starting with my three day headache and then the robbery, is to get back to what I know works for me. For instance, with the headache, it came to me that it could be tooth and gum related so I started oil pulling with coconut oil again. Why do I ever stop? I know how well it works for me, my dentist was amazed at the improvement in my gums and even bone density, but yet I start to do it less and less until I don’t do it at all anymore. Duh!! And the robbery brought me back to EFT which has worked wonders for me in the past but I stopped doing too. In the week after the robbery, I was either on the verge of tears or in tears all the time. I was not sleeping well, waking up many times during the night, and had a pit in my solar plexus. Until someone goes through something like that, you cannot imagine the affect it has on you; body, mind and spirit. I knew I needed to get some energy work done and Alina Frank offered me an EFT/Matrix Reimprinting session which we did yesterday afternoon. And WaaaaaLaaaaa!! The tears and pit are gone, I feel so much safer and calm and back in BALANCE. I feel like ME again!! Only better!! Alina had me go through the whole story of what happened and anytime there was a trigger, we stopped and tapped on it and then I would begin the story again and get to the next point. Doing this also helped me to remember details of what happened and now that I remember, I just gotta say, I was pretty fricken brave through that whole thing. Now I remember that Milo had jumped off the bed opposite of where the intruders were standing and I quickly followed him, putting my bed between us. From there I felt much safer and braver and I remembered that I told them to “back off” and “get that flashlight out of my eyes” and some other details that I hadn’t remembered that make me laugh now because I had started to be a smart ass with them once I had the safety of the bed between us. One of the most amazing things that happened during our EFT session is that right at the beginning, Ma’Halo, my divine, beautiful Guardian Hawk, flew to the tree in front of my room. I watched him come in, wings spread wide, then a perfect landing, and then he intently and intensely stared at me for over 15 minutes as I tapped with Alina. It was his Divine Way of showing me that I am guarded and safe. That was just mind blowing to me and intensified the work we were doing to release all emotions regarding the event. Oh how I love you, Ma’Halo!!! Anyway, I want to recommend to anyone who has had any trauma, or even old beliefs and patterns you want to rewire, TRY EFT!! The beauty of EFT is that it is something you can do yourself, and there is tons of free info and guidance on YouTube and with a search on Google. And I do highly recommend, if it calls to you, to book a session or more with an EFT Master such as Alina to really get a big boost and release. So many other things have come up through all of this. I joked in a status the other day about telling the Universe I was bored, but it wasnt really a joke. The high season is over, we haven’t had many tours and I have been just kind of passing time and not really moving forward with anything. I have books to write and things to do and a beautiful mandala home to create. I was kind of in a holding pattern and also eating too much, partying too much (ya, having lots of fun and indulging) and not taking care of myself as well as I know how. I was reminded that if I want to live many years and live them healthfully enough to enjoy the mandala house I want to create, I have to get back to what I know is best for me in all ways. On the third day of the headache, I started to get a bit concerned that it might be something serious and that caused me to do some deep thinking about my desire to live and how I want the next years to be. And of course having my life threatened at machete point was the ultimate game and life changer. These events have been a big kick in the butt, or as I like to say, a CLUE-BY-FOUR, that it’s time to step up to the NEXT LEVEL. It’s time to stop paddling in the same place that I have been and swim forward to new horizons and seas! I am sure that more golden nuggets and aha’s will become clear in the days and weeks to come. EVERYTHING happens for a reason, and when you play life BIG like I do, the contrast will be BIG too. My downtime after the rush of the high season was up and I guess I took a little too long for the Universe’s liking to get back into CREATIVE MODE. Ok. Ok. OKAY!!! I hear you!!! Message(s) Received!!! BACK TO CENTER and BALANCED RESTORED!
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 15:57:53 +0000

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