One of the foundational aspects of America’s beginning was - TopicsExpress


One of the foundational aspects of America’s beginning was partly due to an Indian named Squanto and a daring group of separatists who were fleeing religious persecution in Europe. Had Squanto not been foreordained of God to help the pilgrims survive, the early years of that particular Christian foothold would have been totally disastrous. Within four generations or so the age of reason arrived to molest the morals of the growing population, and once again the true gospel became contaminated as men of godless philosophies made academic intellect and rebellion profitable. Men of questionable character gave themselves over to greed and avarice, while taking the bountiful blessing by force; and in the process thinking it was God who allowed them permission to keep doing so. While the nation prospered, a socialist society quietly grew and by the 20th Century, the average American imagined himself to be the recipient of unending religious privilege. In time the politically driven, dictatorial machinery along with elite globalist tacticians and bankers took charge while good men slept through the transition. These are they who suppress truth, create war and maintain economic woe. This supposed Christian nation, though void of a desire for biblical discipline, effortlessly maintains a powerless influence, and yet has the nerve to proclaim that we are somehow still blessed of God. Perhaps God will have mercy on us and bring swift judgment to this country and turn to another nation to proclaim His Gospel. The suspense alone when considering such things is enough to kill the average turkey and at this rate I’d say our proverbial Christmas goose is cooked. On the other hand we have many God given reasons to be thankful; it’s just too bad that most Americans wait to be that way once a year, and only momentarily, just before heading off to the mall.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 07:39:48 +0000

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