One of those days where you need time to yourself to reflect on - TopicsExpress


One of those days where you need time to yourself to reflect on many topics: 1. Opportunist who use the language of good and the actions of doing justice to make a name, but not a difference. 2. Meeting people in power positions that motivates, challenges, and convicts you to never get complacent. 3. People only talking about race and racism as a stagnant problem, but also are scared to let go of such notions if it makes a way for a person to be human. 4. Being so academic that you are the only one in the room without realizing you isolated yourself from the people you say want to make visible, but you only exploit. 5. Realizing The Ratchet is good if it is a tool for the imagination, but problematic if it is viewed as a way to become Real. 6. Religion getting over itself as being Gods way of authority, when it oppress people more than liberates people from what breaks them down. 7. Afraid to take the place of a great person who recommends you to take their spot, because you think it makes you a target for others wrath as if you are the great persons new enemy. 8. Knowing once you are in the position of success and power you want for yourself, you will lose people you love who thought they knew you when in reality they placed their thoughts on you because they figured themselves your senior. 9. Redefining what a minister is and getting over the fact people think you are a religious hall monitor created to be a tattle tale for God. 10. Getting over the fact that people take your introverted-ness and deep thinking as a way of arrogance. They are probably right... 11. Allowing yourself to let go of the internal kid inside that you kidnapped to make yourself look like a man. 12. Realizing you are not afraid of death, but afraid you are wasting time not living. 13 Knowing money and power might be an answer that has heavy side effects. 14. Understanding you are not defined by winning, but how you take a loss. 15. Before talking, knowing that you need to shut the hell up, before ever speaking. 16. Listening not to answer, but to understand. 17. Always trying to catch up on the many books to read. 18. Being okay being you in good and bad, while being better. 19. Cussing, I like Cussing. 20. Never let someone make you their stereotype out of their ignorance. 21. Knowing your limits regardless of how much people want to push you to insanity.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 20:57:18 +0000

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