One week today, Scotland has her chance to break away from this - TopicsExpress


One week today, Scotland has her chance to break away from this corrupt union, after 300 years of being ruled by self-serving old Etonians in Westminster. They are 600 miles away from us, but they are an immeasurable distance away from the hearts and minds of the Scottish people they purport to represent. No further evidence for this, and the arrogance of Cameron and Miliband is needed, than the appearance of them in Scotland yesterday to a huge fanfare of trumpets from the biased British media. Were they here to engage in sensible debate with the Scottish public, and to truthfully and fairly discuss the issues around the referendum? No, this was a show of arrogant force, stage managed to make sure they did not have to speak to real people, but rather a hand-picked, invitation only audience of half-wits holding up No boards, and even that was held behind closed doors. I think this shows for all to see, the utter contempt these people have for the Scottish people, and if for no other reason, that in itself should be enough to make proud Scots vote Yes. Further, just to add to the insult, a Survation poll for the Daily Record, a unionist rag, just happens to appear on the same day the three stooges are in Scotland, and appears to show no change in the voting intentions of the Scottish people. Hmm what a bit of luck for Cameron eh! So that was the lovebombing, anyone get a visit from Cameron or get to speak to him? Answers on a postcard please, a really small postcard. From now, expect the hounds of Hell over the next six days. They will throw everything they can think of at us, so we the proud Scottish nation that we really are, must stand firm and support our Yes camp with everything we have. Debunk every scare story as soon as it appears, speak to undecided voters and make sure they are not falling for the lies that they are hearing. Get out on the streets and campaign. Shout it from the rooftops and we will win. Those of you who are old enough will remember the same scare stories that came out in 1979, some of them worked then, as did the promise of extra powers, but instead, devastated Scotland with 18 years of Margaret Thatcher. I hope you all have long memories because voting No will heap untold misery on the Scottish people for generations to come. Stay strong under the onslaught which is about to hit us, we Scots can do this. Let’s wake up to an Independent Scotland on September 19th.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 07:58:00 +0000

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