One who is greedy for moneyAvaricious One who is indifferent to - TopicsExpress


One who is greedy for moneyAvaricious One who is indifferent to pleasure or painStoic One who is new to a trade or professionNovice One who is not easily pleasedFastidious One who is out to subvert a governmentAnarchist One who is present everywhereOmnipresent One who is qualifies for electionEligible One who is quite like a womanEffeminate One who is recovering from illnessConvalescent One who is unable to pay his debtsInsolvent One who is unmarriedCelibate One who knows everythingOmniscient One who knows many languagesPolyglot One who lives in a foreign countryImmigrant One who looks on the bright side of thingsOptimist One who looks on the dark side of thingsPessimist One who loves booksBibliophile One who loves mankindPhilanthropist One who makes an official examination of accountsAuditor One who pretends to be what he is notHypocrite One who pursues some art or sport as hobbyAmateur One who questions everythingCynic One who speaks lessReticent One who thinks only for oneself, a person who is selfish, self absorbed andself centeredEgoist One who thinks only of himselfEgoist One who thinks only of welfare of womenFeminist One who works for freeVolunteer Sentences Start with Alphabet - P People living at the same timeContemporaries People of noble families or the highest social classAristocracy People who work togetherColleagues Person who rides on horse-backEquestrian Persons living in the same ageContemporaries Practice of having one wife or husbandMonogamy Practice of having several husbandsPolyandry Practice of having several wivesPolygamy Practice of having two wives or husbandsBigamy Sentences Start with Alphabet - R Recovering from illnessConvalescent Remarks which do not ally apply to the subject under discussionIrrelevant Rule by the mobMobocracy Sentences Start with Alphabet - S Science of coins or medalsNumismatics Science of origin of universeCosmology Somebody or something with the same name as somebody or something elseNamesake Somebody who doesnVegetarian somebody who eats human fleshCannibal Somebody who is considerably experienced in somethingVeteran Somebody who works or serves only forpersonal profitMercenary Something said or done without preparationExtempore Something that cannot be correctedIncorrigible Something that cannot be imitatedInimitable Something that has been determined beforehandForegone Something that is essential and cannot be dispensed withIndispensable Something that is quickly and easily seton fire and burnedInflammable Something that quickly catches fireInflammable Spoken or done without preparationExtempore state of antagonismHostility Statements open to more than interpretationAmbiguous Study of environmentEcology Systematic study of election trendsPsephology Sentences Start with Alphabet - T That can be eatenEdible That cannot be altered or withdrawnIrrevocable That is prohibited by lawIllicit That through which light can partly passTranslucent That through which light can passTransparent That through which light cannot passOpaque That which cannot be avoidedInevitable That which cannot be believedIncredible That which cannot be changedIrrevocable That which cannot be conqueredInvincible That which cannot be curedIncurable That which cannot be defendedIndefensible That which cannot be describedIndescribable That which cannot be explainedInexplicable That which cannot be hurtInvulnerable That which cannot be imitatedInimitable That which cannot be noticedImperceptible That which cannot be practicedImpracticable That which cannot be put into practiceImpracticable That which cannot be readIllegible That which cannot be satisfiedInsatiable That which cannot be seenInvisible That which does not bear the name of the writerAnonymous That which is against lawIllegal That which is considered wrong or unacceptable by prevailing social standardsIllici
Posted on: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 18:06:41 +0000

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