Only if we think RIGHT our future is bright With the full - TopicsExpress


Only if we think RIGHT our future is bright With the full cooperation of Obama’s leftist friend at Bloomberg, Jeffrey Goldberg, (Netanyahu Continues to Needlessly Alienate -, Obama tried, once again to ambush Netanyahu while he was in the air traveling to D.C as part of his extensive visit to the USA. For about a day Obamas interview, and his condescending threats for Israel, got plenty of play in the media. But that all changed last Sunday night when the Russians pulled their stunt in the Crimea, capturing the world’s attention and upstaging Obama and Netanyahu in the process. The expected by Sarah Palin and Mitt Romney, both were mocked for their warnings, “distraction” took the wind out of the sails of Goldberg’s hot scoop”, and now it’s dropped entirely off the radar screen to business as usual. All eyes have returned to BHO’s incompetence in foreign affairs and how the man has turned a once-great country into the laughing stock of the entire international community, USA allies and foes alike. Reading stories about the Ukraine and Crimea, we all need to learn a strategic lesson. The Europeans are heavily dependent on Russian oil and gas that keep them warm during their long and very cold winter, and this will have a strong impact on how the European Continent – especially Germany – deals with this crisis. In turn, it would surely give more leverage to stable, friendly countries that can replace the Russian oil and gas fur. The kicker…recently, enormous reserves of natural gas have been found off Israel’s coast, and shale oil under her land. These just beginning to come on line for use. So if only Israel and its fractious leaders can avoid the traps set for them by Jewish peace mongers and Muslim rejectionists alike, then the future of the Jews and Israel may yet be brighter – in spite of Jeffrey Goldberg (Jeffrey Goldberg: Obama Is the Most Jewish President Weve Ever Had - and his BFF (Best Friend Forever) Obama.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 04:17:36 +0000

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