Open Heart-Open Mind Health & Wellness Services Like This Page · - TopicsExpress


Open Heart-Open Mind Health & Wellness Services Like This Page · December 14, 2013 Facebooks new changes are going to receive A LOT of backlash from users! You need to read and share this! Recently Facebook cut FB pages organic reach down to 2%. What does this mean? Simply that, meaningful content that would normally reach a lot of people and make an impact on them is now only going to hit a FRACTION of what it used to. People who spent years building an engaged audience now have to pay for their audience to see their content. Essentially destroying any value that was created by being a good brand. Facebook wants people to pay for their content to reach people now. What does this mean for Open Heart-Open Mind Health & Wellness Services? The message we spread will only reach a fraction of people now. Facebook is effectively cutting out our ability to hit people. How can we combat this? We need to use the fact that we are the masses. Share this. These changes have already received a huge backlash from pages all over the world. How to continue spreading OHOMs content? 1. Like, comment and share stuff as much as you can. This is the only way FB will allow content to reach people now. 2. Share this with people and let them know whats happening with FB.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 15:54:47 +0000

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