Open Letter to my MP Meg Hillier Dear Meg, As a constituent - TopicsExpress


Open Letter to my MP Meg Hillier Dear Meg, As a constituent in your Jurisdiction, I am dismayed that you voted to go into yet another war in Iraq. Labour Promises the taxpayer Austerity at the same level as the Tories and yet there is always money for war. A tornado Jet costs £33,000 an hour to run not including the bombs which would be a Nurses Salary every hour. A tomahawk missile is a million pounds and would fund vital hospital services. Heaven forbid the tax payers money is spent on something the taxpayer actually needs. Labour seems to be destroying itself when in opposition to one of the vilest governments in British History. Even a half hearted resistance to the Tories would see Labour ahead of the polls however Labour continues to be limp wristed and uninviting to everyday people who struggle with high cost of housing and increasingly insecure labour market with falling wages and employment prospects met with increasing household bills. Where is the resistance? I note this is not the first time we have been to Iraq and the British states capacity to intervene in the region seems to bring incompetence, mistakes and death on a mass scale. In dealing with the problem of ISIS the monotonal and moronic response of bombing them is also devoid of the need to address how ISIS came to fruition in the first place. Will you be tackling those who funded and trained ISIS? It is well known their funding and training was partially by the United States when we called them the Syrian Rebels then the Moderate Rebels who then apparently became IS and now ISIS. Are we going to stop arming the brutal Saudi regime where many millions in cash and arms came from funding the ISIS atrocities? Are we going to compare the USAs previous record of training rebels in South America and the beheadings and atrocities which came with that or are we going to just vote for a solution which writes yet another taxpayer funded blank check to the arms companies who so often are owned by the politicians who vote for war. Case in point is the Bush Families involvement in the Carlyle Group and Dick Cheneys role in Halliburton and starting the War in Iraq. British Arms involvement is equally tied in government and what Eisenhower warned of in his leaving speech. Meg I feel that we need to book an immediate meeting to discuss these issues and the impact this will have on an Austerity Afflicted Britain. I look forward to our meeting. Yours Sincerely Paul Hanes
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 07:54:13 +0000

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