Opinion piece by Appreciation Society pages founder and co-manager - TopicsExpress


Opinion piece by Appreciation Society pages founder and co-manager of al Appreciation Society pages. As this is an opinion piece, there will always be those that either agree or disagree. I only ask that those who have differing opinions voice them in a professional manner that does not degrade the writer no commenters. Abuse will not be tolerated in any form or fashion. With that being know, we dont want to discourage and rather encourage you to write comments. On of the things about our page that we have always wanted was more interaction between the staff and Beatle fans in general. Its good to positively debate, Its great to talk about The Beatles. We all came here because we love them, while this might not make us all best friends but it makes us a community. And as a community, lets have fun, lets be respective and lets remember that we have children who are members so being a good influence is important. We need to remember that they came here for The Beatles and that means encouragement, teaching, helping and showing them that its not a bad thing to love The Beatles.in these days of peer pressure, sampled music and artists that dont ever even write their own music. An age that is lost, aimless and reaching out for better things. We need to do our best as members of our respective generations to show them what is out there beyond Lady Gaga, One Direction and Justin Bieber. Thanks for understanding and being so kind and responsible. Ok, now after all that here is the opinion piece written by me. No matter how much time goes by, Sergeant Peppers Lonely Harts Club Band like all Beatles albums and tracks are a timeless work of art. I listened to the remake by The Flaming Lips and many guest musicians and singers from today and the past perform a remake that was lackluster at best. Maybe I have stronger views on what is a quality reproduction for a timeless album that frankly no one can ever record and master as good as The Beatles themselves did. Maybe i am biased. Nevertheless I am happy to see after all these years that people are honoring these guys so long after the breakup. We have Harrison weeks on Conan, album remakes and more. I applaud them all even if I dont enjoy all the results. Plus (it can be argued) that the times we live in are different and sadly so many artists from today really dont know who they are or even care about them and their work that changed music for forever that opened doors, invented styles and production processes that allowed for the music today to have their moment. Processes mind you that are still quite often used to this day by all recording artists. So whether or not you have heard the album (The Flaming Lips Version) or not, ignore it to this point. if you were a producer (you could place yourself in that slot if trained. Even if untrained in the art of mixing or production you could be the executive producer which is a position of overall oversight and control really.) and thus assemble a wonder team of professionals and given the chance to assemble the best team of musicians to remake this timeless and amazing masterpiece in honor and tribute to The Beatles, to the best of their ability to make it sound and feel as authentic as possible, who would you pick? Your picks can involve more than a four person line-up like The Beatles. (The sky and budget for this timeless task are the limit) The artists have to be alive and well and still able to play and sing without agree related issues. (Think the reunion of Cream at The Albert Hall.) Follow my format as I will be the first to post. You will understand how to assemble such a team of musicians and singers based on what I post. So Post who you would love to take part is such a massive endeavor to to a remake justice. We are awaiting not only your picks but also realistic yet positive feedback from not only my top pics but also others that pick their line ups. Again the rules are as follows. 1. Only living and able playing artists and/or singers. (Try to pick those that would do their best to adhere to the sounds of The beatles in tribute) Also not any living Beatle. This is a tribute to them of course. 2. You could pick a producer and engineer if you dont know about production and engineering. Lets rock this thread and let the imaginations roll. Come on people, lets make this thread hop! OK!!!! Here is my pic. Just follow the format and put in whoever and however many you think would seriously contribute to an amazing remake of an amazing album. Sergeant Pepper Remake Dream Team Ben Folds - Piano, various keys, vocals, backing vocals Robert Sledge - Lead Bass, backing vocals Flea - Bass, backing vocals Noel Gallagher - Lead Guitar, vocals, backing vocals Paul Arthurs - Rhythm Guitar Conan OBrien - Guitars Johnny Depp - Guitars Dhani Harrison - Guitars, sitar & various Indian instruments, vocals, backing vocals Wayne Coyne - Guitars, vocals, backing vocals Chris Martin - Guitars, vocals, backing vocals, various keys Thom Yorke - Guitars, lead vocals, backing vocals, synth, tape loops Steven Drozd - Drums, backing vocals The London Symphony Orchestra - Symphonic sounds. Giles Martin - Scoring for orchestral tracks Myself - Producer Abbey Road Studios - Studio to record in
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 18:06:20 +0000

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