Opportunity. For much of my life, I was so “all or nothing” - TopicsExpress


Opportunity. For much of my life, I was so “all or nothing” with regard to my dreams and goals, that I would turn my nose up at promising prospects that would present themselves, often because I felt them to be trivial, or not worthy of my vocation. I’d attribute that, in large part, to the abundant piss and vinegar-infused arrogance of my youth, that convinced me that anything not directly related to fulfilling my destiny, as I saw it, was a colossal waste of time. Ah, the idyllic ignorance of idealism, I knew it well. Over time, I’ve come to look at that word differently… Opportunity. As we age and endure, we mature, growing wise through loss and pain and strife. We get our priorities straight, gain new perspective and stop taking shit for granted. We’re forced to, if not by the necessity of circumstance than by the understanding gained in due course, simply living a real life in the real world. I’ve found that the table is set for victory in the mundane monotony of everyday life. That anything you do is worth dominating, that success begets greater success and that eventually, the small shit starts to add up. Nothing happens in isolation. You see, I fundamentally believe in the validity of my dreams. I will pursue them to the ends of the earth and I know that in the end, what will be the determining factor is my will to stay the course. But I keep in mind the long game at all times and I know that this leg of the journey could take eight months or just as easily could require eight years of diligence and dedication. Fine by me. In the meantime, I will make the best of the present. My mind is set to extract the most of the now, exploiting every opportunity that comes down the pike. Knowing full well that all things are related, and that conquering the small challenges of today, can directly lead to the great triumphs of tomorrow. If only, I am willing to seize this opportunity. ~ G Diesel #Opportunity #Ambition #Maturation #Ignorance
Posted on: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 12:11:03 +0000

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