Origin and Truth Of The Grail Mythos Lucifer has several - TopicsExpress


Origin and Truth Of The Grail Mythos Lucifer has several sigils. All have to do with reaching the godhead. One of the symbol represents the True GRAIL. This is the cup that holds the elixer of life. The Catholic Church STOLE this concept and corrupted it. The Grail is part of the Magnum Opus, the potential of which we have within ourselves. It is not a material object, it is a concept. The blood of the chakras is the energy they leak when stimulated. The Grail is depicted as Royal Blood. this is the blood of the chakras. Melek Taus [Satan], as important base to the Templars Holy Grail Mysteries, as the story of Melek Taus is the basis for the legend of the Fisher King within the Holy Grail Mysteries. Who is portrayed as living in his Grail Castle [which is built in the symbol of the 8 pointed star of the perfected soul] while wearing a hat made of peacock feathers [Peacock is the animal sacred to Satan and another of His titles is the Peacock King]. The Templar ` practice of wearing a sacred cord under their clothing may have also been influenced by Melek Taus, whom the Yezidhi in modern day Iraq remained eternally allied with through the symbolic red and black wool cord they wore around their necks. Another Middle Eastern sect that has a profound influence on the Knights Templar and their Holy Grail Mysteries is the Mandeans, a sect residing mainly in southern Iraq but who in the past colonized regions all over the Middle East. Like the Yezidhi the Mandeans also have tradition honoring Melek Taus , whom they refer of as Malka Tausa who was present at the birthplace of the Mandean culture, the island paradise of Sri Lanka, the Garden of Edin of the Arab world, wherein he was known not only as the Peacock King, but also as Murrugan or Sanat Kumara. The Mandeans like the Yezidhi also associating Melek Taus with Lucifer. And by their history state Melek Taus [Satan] came down from Sri Lankas highest mountain and then taught the Mandeans their spiritual knowledge and wisdom. In Sri Lanka of the ancient holy sites for Him is Mylapur the place of the Peacock. The Fisher King Legends maintain that the Fisher King Sanat Kumara [another name alias of Satan] was the fountainhead from which many legends of the Fisher Kings started. Sanat Kumara is the Lord of Shambhala which is also shown as city in the shape of the eight pointed star [identical to the Grail Castle in the Western Tradition] of the perfected soul, the name Shambhala means realm of bliss and evolves the Godhead obtainment which is the symbol of the Grail, and this Grail symbol in the West is Lucifer Sigil of the Gold in the work. Shambhala is made mention in the Yezidhi Black book by Melek Taus [Satan] Himself The Green Man [alias of Satan as the Kundalini energy and Opus] was synonymous with their patron knight St.George, the old Pagan rites still among the population celebrated the Green Man as their own Green George. According to The Golden Legend source book of medieval English legends, the British pagans derived the name George from Geo, meaning Earth, [Satan holds the Title of Lord of the Earth in the Pagan world] the upper classes of Britain also celebrated Green George, for him was St. George, the righteous warrior who was dedicated to perpetually protecting the kingdom of Great Britain. This tale of the Green Man plays out in the Grail Legend of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. On the Blood lines: There were in Europe and the Arya world, ancient Blood Line families, the original Aristocratic lines of the Pagan World who were the base of the famed Priestarchy of the Serpents of Europe the Royal families of the Pagan World where practitioners and holders of the spiritual knowledge as the Lay of Rig and Eastern writings illustrates this as well the Saxons who name means Sacca The Wise Ones [in meaning of Gnosis from Kundalini energy], not Men of the Spears. The Church via their proxy Charles launched a Crusade against the Saxons that lasted decades. The Saxon Royals were also the Priests of the Tribe. As in the ancient Pagan world the King was the High Priest of the Nation. Evola wrote of how the original Brahmins where of the Kshatriya [warrior nobility] who rose to great status as they where the most spiritually powerful of the Nobility and wielders of the Pranic force called Brahma [they possessed the most powerful Siddhi in other terms]. It is stated in the Tantra Siva and Shatkis union makes Brahma meaning a being with an ascended Kundalini is a Brahma, it seems among themselves this pratice was called Brahmayana The straight path to God in the sense of the Serpent energy ascending fully up the spine into the crown. This is also the original meaning of Raja or Royal Yoga the Royal Path of the Kundalini is the path up the spine. The eight fold path in this practice was corrupted into a system that does not lead to Enlightenment. Out of these beings formed the Priestarchy think of it as the most advanced wing of the Nobility. As in the original world of our ancestors one had to have an ascended Serpent to be in the rulership class. Much has been wrote on the Holy Grail Blood lines and the magic Power of the blood in reality they deal with the powerful Aryan Monarchs or Priest Kings who maintained the power of the Grail Serpent energy as the blood is the energy of the Kundalini and also the DNA Helix carries the level of enlightenment or Serpentine Power which is passed down generation after generation, this also means the Grail Blood Line is the literal living blood line of Satan and the Demons as each White person is of direct descent from a living Nordic Demon or God and we are of Satans blood line. (and why we have been targeted for extinction) These blood lines upon study go back to the homeland of the Aryan Race. Many of the beings mentioned in the later Grail Legends are actual humanized Gods and Goddesses. Kundalini and the DNA are connected as the main Serpentary network is the marco of the DNA helix, the DNA. On the spiritual or quantum level is a vibrational information code that as higher amount of vibration floods the body the vibration changes thus the code changes morphing the individual to a higher level of transformation. DNA is an vibrational information code when a higher current goes though you, the DNA literally morphs as the information code changes to correspond to the new vibration. This is the origin of bio-morphic field it is the light body part of the information field that is connected into the DNA and extended from it and the ancients called it the Ren. When you look at DNA on the quantum level it is vibration and light energy. Such energy and abilities being passed down via the blood is why the Catholic Church would wipe out the whole family of the one tried for Witchcraft, to remove the power transmitted in the blood line [blood is from an ancient Germanic term meaning Sacred] and can be still viewed today as many people born with spiritual abilities had close family members usually a parent with them. A famous Serpent ruling family was the Merovingians who were wiped out as a ruling dynasties by the Vatican and replaced with a Papal backed psychopath and proxies: The Mevrovingians also apparently revealed their affiliation to Lucifer...the name of one of their capital cities, Satanicum the Place of Satan. The Mevrovingian link to Lucifer was also implicit in a purported curious royal birthmark in the shape of a red cross, the ancient Mark of Cain, which a Merovingian would proudly display over his heart. Merovee which means Born from the Sea. Has also been written as Merovach meaning Born from a Bull as well Merovie, meaning Sea of Life or Water of Life. The name Merovee thus designates first Fisher King of the Merovingian line to be the vessel of the Water of Life. The references to water are allegory for the Waters of Life of the kundalini power. One of the Merovingian castles has the Black Sun upon the floor just as Himmler SS Castle would have later on. Another blood line famous in Europe from the ancient world was the Danaans. It is my belief the Cathars and Templars where formed out of these aristocratic lines, the Cathars openly held Lucifer to be Lord of the Grail and worshiped him. The Church destroyed the Cathars in a 30 year crusade that killed half a million and more innocent human beings. Sources: The Coming Gnostic Civilization, Pinkham Mark. Realm of the Ring Lords, Gardner, Laurence. Guardians of the Holy Grail, Pinkham Mark.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 01:26:55 +0000

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