Our ANC Western Cape leader Marius Fransman wrote on his Facebook - TopicsExpress


Our ANC Western Cape leader Marius Fransman wrote on his Facebook timeline: To those people and clergy in Cape Town that recently signed a Statement related to Democracy on service delivery protests, I want to advice that as senior people we respect, please dont sign documents that was engineered and crafted by narrow neo-liberals and their use of clergy against the suffering of the people. What is democracy when people suffer in indignity? The fight for democracy was always a fight against inequalities and fair distribution of resources. We call on those clergy to withdraw their support for this covert tactics of the Politics of Deception. What democracy is there when people - human beings like me and you - must use a porta potti? What dignity is there in democracy when city fathers refuse to come clean this potti? What dignity is there in democracy when a mother, a grandma, must go kneel and sit on a potti in front of grandchildren? No, no and no. This so-called document was signed in the week when Pope Francis re-introduced the fundamental links between values, peace, democracy and inequality and the structures of society at all levels. Its my humble request to these clergy to read the Popes 84 page document. Pope Francis has this to say about the economy and inequalities: As long as the problems of the poor arent radically resolved by rejecting the absolute autonomy of markets and financial speculation and by attacking the structural causes of inequality, NO solution will be found for the worlds problems or, for that matter, to any problems. Food for thought indeed... LATER HE ADDED: Sitting here in the dark of Oslo, reading these profound words and statements of Pope Francis, I suddenly realize how I missed the teachings of my church for many years, as even the church strayed from what it was suppose to be. Some of us actually started our political beliefs in the humble arena founded in the scriptures as children and in the song that we use to sing. One such hymn that I so vividly recall in the many lessons in the Social Justice workshops of the Catholic Church, is the Servants Song... Brother, let me be your servant. Let me be as Christ to you. Pray that I might have the grace to. Let you be my servant too... We are pilgrims on a journey; we are brothers on the road - we are here to help each other! Walk the mile and bear the road...
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 09:04:54 +0000

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