Our Fraternity Minister has just returned from a weeks pilgrimage - TopicsExpress


Our Fraternity Minister has just returned from a weeks pilgrimage with fellow pilgrims to Assisi. Among the group was a Conventual Friar, Fr. Tom, who is currently the Principal of the Franciscan Study Centre in Canterbury. He had previously lived in Assisi and had acquired a deep appreciation and understanding of the various places connected with the life of St. Francis. He made the whole place come alive and he offered Mass in the crypt, at the tomb of St. Francis for them. The group visited Poggio Bustone where the first Friars used to retreat into mountain caves in order to meditate, pray and gather spiritual strength for their public ministry also La Verna where St. Francis received the Stigmata, accompanied only by Brother Leo. Many of the sites had to be reached via long winding flights of steep steps and despite her wheelchair was, with Gods help, able to negotiate even the roughest terrain! One of her fellow pilgrims is hoping to join us at our next meeting in July and we are all looking forward to greeting her and getting to know one another.
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 07:36:33 +0000

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