Our world of lies pong was not the first game nor was its consle - TopicsExpress


Our world of lies pong was not the first game nor was its consle the first consele the first game was a game called space computer which new york time siad no one would play cuz they dont have time to look at a screen ( they siad that about tv to lol wrong) so the the real first consle magnavox stoped selling the new york time saw how well pong sold and siad they were wrong but by the time the game creater died and the aire to the famlie lived and did not know of computer space and the son of the game creators was murterd soon after the news spreed to new york times that the man who made space computer died and the vice mayor of nyt quite and took over magnavox and sold a game called space computer and made big money but than the police found the murderer of the game masters aire it was the nyt emplyie? Employe? Nvm ... its was the man who quite nyt who killed the aire to the game master and was charged for murder ( png was ripedoff a failed teniss game that belong to a never to work consle btw and space computer was on market for 2 weeks a whole year befor ping ever was it did not sell so magnavox decided to try agian a diffrent time...
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 13:55:06 +0000

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