Over the course of this grand adventure / learning with BodyRockTv - TopicsExpress


Over the course of this grand adventure / learning with BodyRockTv Ive always maintained a vision for what I call the big dream. What I want to accomplish by investing the days and years of my lifes focus into this community. The big dream has kept me going from the early days when we were earning barely enough money to buy a small coffee - through the shooting and editing of hundreds of videos and the ups and downs of business, life and everything in between. We have 12 full time employees now, warehouses in 4 different countries, and a whole slate of new challenges to overcome and lessons to learn. Its the original and unfolding dream that bridges the pitfalls and keeps the doubts at bay. Its the big dream of what is possible that shields my thoughts from the fear of failure. It soothes the scrapes and is a cooling balm for the hardest and most painful lessons. What Ive come to realize is that the big dream is not framed by numbers or stats. Its doesnt translate into a bank balance and there is no line item for it on our balance sheets. I believe heart and soul that if you do what you love to the fullest of your ability the money will catch up and follow. The truly great dreams that power our lives are not rooted in money, fame or followers. What drives me and keeps me going is the adventure of building something truly great that impacts peoples lives in a positive, life affirming way. Thats why Im in this, its that dream that responds to the human spirits need to create and be. I feel like I havent even scratched the surface of what is possible, but I know as long as my job is to dream the vision above all else I will be moving in the right direction. What is your big dream? Find it.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 16:59:11 +0000

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