Over the last few years internet speeds have changed the way that - TopicsExpress


Over the last few years internet speeds have changed the way that we browse the internet, and the way that we consume data. No longer is it acceptable to read thousands of words off a website, but it is acceptable to watch a short video about a company, product or service. If one picture can say a thousand words, think about what 25 pictures per second can communicate! Video content can engage a viewer on multiple levels, at the same time reinforcing your message to them. For example if your company wishes to appear global – we’ll create a video that shows you to be a global company, subtly suggesting to your web visitors your amazing global positioning. There are so many applications of video that it is impossible to list them all but im sure you will get the idea ! Due to the rise in video production standards both in television, film and corporate video, it’s no longer acceptable to produce low quality videos. Viewers are wise to video quality and can easily tell if its shot on a hand held video camera with a ‘mate’ being your camera man! We always recommend making videos as good as your budget allows, we will work with you to devise and plan a suitable and cost effective solution We’d love to talk to you about video application for your company / school / charity / anything else, so please message, call or email us today!!
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 08:47:03 +0000

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