Owl Spirit Symbols: Wisdom, Silence, Magic, True Sight, Solitude, - TopicsExpress


Owl Spirit Symbols: Wisdom, Silence, Magic, True Sight, Solitude, Enlightenment, Secrets, Night, Change, Omens, Vigilance, Dreams, Feminine, Intuition, Stealth, Mystery, Insight Owl Meaning and Medicine: The spirit of Owl brings with it many different meanings. If the Owl totem has entered your life recently take a moment to stop and reflect on some of the following messages: •Silence, Solitude: Is the bustling cacophony of daily life overwhelming you, are your words getting you into trouble? If Owl has glided silently into your life it is important to heed this totem’s important meaning. Owls are generally solitary and they have the remarkable ability to fly silently and to quietly move from perch to perch. The silence of the owl spirit offers lessons of stealth and poise in our everyday lives. You may need to remove yourself from the noise of life and become the still silent observer. After slowing down and becoming stable you will be amazed by the wealth of information and meaning that surrounds you. •True Sight, Secrets: Is someone in your life being dishonest, are you being left in the dark by friends or family? The owl totem can help to reveal those who would take advantage of another or deceive others. If the owl guide has appeared to you, it may be bringing you the ability to see what others may miss. Open your eyes and truly examine how things are, you will be surprised that suddenly you can see things that are normally hidden from view – like the motives of those around you. External appearances will give way to the truth and meaning hidden beneath. •Owl Totem Swoops into DreamsChange, Intuition: Do you feel stagnant or apathetic; does that little voice in your head constantly nag at you? Owl is often thought to come to those who need to let go of some part of their life that is no longer needed. Listen carefully to that inner voice and be guided to recapture the knowledge of your true path in life. Owl’s senses pierce through shadows, beyond fear and darkness, through to the other side that promises light, happiness and knowledge. •Night, Dreams: Are you being hounded by fears and worries, have you been having strange or disturbing dreams? Because most owls are active between dusk and dawn, they are sometimes called Night Eagles or messengers from the dark side. If the Owl totem comes and sits nearby, it may indicate a need to peer into the darkness and face your fears. Also, pay close attention to your dreams, they carry powerful meaning and symbols of your unconscious and emotional well being. People with Owl Totem are… •Perceptive •Intuitive •Creative Dreamers •Mysterious •Quiet •Great Listeners •Wise Counsels Meaning of Owl PeoplePeople who possess the power of the owl share many traits with their totem animals and feel a strong connection with the night and to the occult. Owl medicine brings the gift of wisdom and insight. It is almost impossible to keep a secret from an owl-person, as they see through even the best hidden ploys. They always grasp the whole truth and often take this gift for granted. It is because of this uncanny ability to see through the masks that most people wear, that owl people are often unpopular and feared by others. If Owl is your spirit guide it is important that you do not use your sight against others but instead to help them discover the meanings of life messages that surround them. The gift of owl medicine is wisdom and the ability to see in the shadows, this translates into great insight, for the self, and for the others. People with owl as their symbolic spirit guide find it easy to intuit deeper reasoning and meaning in relationships and events. Like the beat of the owl’s wings you must be gentle in sharing your wisdom, and subtle about its delivery. If all goes well the subject of your gaze may not even be aware that you are giving them valuable advice. Many owl people are overly secretive or isolate themselves from others. Imagine a person who stays inside, up late at night, pursuing knowledge and understanding. The secretive habits of the owl, its quiet flight and various calls, whistles, screeches and hoots, have made them objects of fear and superstition. As an owl person it is important to remember that there is both a night and day, and to not get lost purely in the spirit of night and mystery. Remember that the owl totem carries with it the gift of insight, and what use is this gift if it is not shared? Message and Meaning of OwlOwl’s Message: Owl brings with it the message of truth and awareness. When owl hoots at you or swoops into your life make sure to stop and become aware of your surroundings, seek truth in every aspect of your life and interactions. Owl in Dreams: The appearance of owl in your dream brings several different meanings. In the dreamtime this totem symbolizes wisdom, insight, magic, expanded awareness and virtue. If the owl is silently observing you, remember that this spirit is a symbol of insight. Examine your own life and reconnect with your intuition. If the owl is flying, swooping, or stalking it represents your fears and negative behaviors. Do not let your worries hang silently over your head and instead address any problems so they may be changed. To hear the screech or hoot of an owl symbolizes a disconnection with your inner voice. Your conscious and unconscious minds are out of synch. Alternatively, the cry may carry the meaning of loss or regret. Cultural Symbolism: Throughout history and across many cultures, people have regarded Owls with fascination and awe. Few other creatures have so many different and contradictory beliefs about them. Cave Painting Symbol of Owl •Native American: The most prevalent Native American symbolism of Owl is one that is associated with death and spirits. Many Native American tribes viewed the owls as spirits of the dead, or the souls of the recently deceased. Some tribes also believe that owl was a messenger of the underworld and carried spirits to the afterlife. Owls were also viewed as powerful spirit protectors and their feathers held great meaning and value. •Celtic/Gaelic: In Celtic symbolism, the owl is noted for wisdom, keen sight, and patience. The owl is a guide in the underworld and an effective hunter. At the same time this night-dweller was considered a “corpse-bird” or “night hag.” •Indian: In early Indian folklore, Owls represent wisdom and helpfulness, and have powers of prophecy. •Greek/Roman: In most lore the owl symbolizes wisdom and protection and was the favorite bird of Athene, the goddess of wisdom. To the Romans, the owl was both a symbol of victory and doom. To hear the hoot of an Owl presaged imminent death. The deaths of Julius Caesar, Augustus, Commodus Aurelius, and Agrippa were apparently all predicted by an Owl. •Chinese: Asian peoples told tales of the owl stealing children in the night. Others believed witches could fly about in the form of owls and that sorcerers could send messages by means of this bird. •Biblical: Because he is a solitary night bird, the owl has come to represent the forsaken. Job in his affliction calls himself “a companion to owls” (Job 30:29). The owl is associated with ruins – places that have been utterly abandoned and are unfit for human habitation. The complete ruin of the cities of Israel’s enemies is emphasized by the following statements: “the owl and the raven shall dwell in it (Isa 34:11 NKJV); it shall be an habitation of dragons and a court for owls” (Isa 34:13); “the owls shall dwell therein: and it shall be no more inhabited forever; neither shall it be dwelt in from generation to generation” (Jer 50: 39). Christianity saw in the owl a symbol of Christ, who came to those who sat in darkness and in the shadow of death (Luke 1:79).
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 05:00:19 +0000

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