PARLIAMENTARY EMPLOYEES OF POLITICAL PARTIES TERMINATED ON FRIDAY JANUARY 9TH 2015 BY THE SECRETARY GENERAL ON THE DIRECTIVE OF THE FINANCE MINISTER STATEMENT - [14/01/2015] We wish to inform the people of Fiji that Parliament has been plunged into crisis following the introduction of a new system of funding for the offices of the three Parliamentary parties. The parties are Fiji First, SODELPA and the National Federation Party. We were told by the Secretary-General to Parliament, Ms Viniana Namosimalua, that the new arrangements are a directive from the Minister of Finance, Mr Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum. We say, he has no authority to issue such a directive. As a result of Mr Sayed-Khaiyum’s actions, the Secretary-General has unilaterally revoked the temporary relieving appointments of all staff members of the Political parties Parliamentary offices. I have written to the Secretary General to inform her that she is in breach of Sec 79 (6) of the Constitution and Standing Order 15 (4). We had already communicated this to her verbally but she insisted on carrying out Mr Sayed-Khaiyum’s instructions. Additionally we believe that the Secretary-General is not in compliance with the Political Parties (Registration, Conduct, Funding and Disclosures) Decree No 4 of 2013. The new system of funding was imposed on us without consultation and with less than 48 hours notice before implementation. This is unacceptable. The entire episode is not parliamentary democracy. It is parliamentary dictatorship. There is no rational explanation of the Secretary- General’s decision to make such a dramatic change in parliamentary procedures established to ensure proper checks and balances, accountability and transparency. We conclude that she has been pressured to do this by the directive from the Minister of Finance. In our view, the Secretary-General has compromised the independence, impartiality and honor and dignity of Parliament. She has made it subservient to a line Minister, thus undermining the separation of powers between the Executive and Legislature. If Mr Sayed-Khaiyum wants to change the provisions of the Constitution governing the procedures, conduct and authority of Parliament, there is a course open to him. He should employ the legal arrangements for amending the constitution and not make a mockery of the parliamentary process. Mr Sayed-Khaiyum appears to be a law unto himself. In this instance the Secretary-General, by giving in to him, failed to uphold the independence of her office. She should, do the right thing in terms of that Independence. It is unfortunate that no one in Government - including the Prime Minister - has the will to stand up to Mr Sayed- Khaiyum. He is out of control. Even Government Members of Parliament are afraid of him. The message to him from the Opposition is that we intend to hold firm to the rule of law and due process. We no longer live in a military dictatorship without accountability. Mr Sayed-Khaiyum and his government have yet to come to terms with this. The question is do they intend to? Once again, Mr Sayed-Khaiyum is caught in a major conflict of interest, just as he was in the licensing controversy over Fiji Television. It is no coincidence that as Finance Minister, Mr Sayed-Khaiyum should come up with a new financing scheme for Political Parties that will see his Party – Fiji First of which he just happens to be Secretary General net about $1 million over the next 4 years. Mr Sayed-Khaiyum’s performance since Fiji’s elections is appalling, he is the only Minister thus far who is involved in a growing list of controversial decisions that include:- 1. Fiji TV Saga including a. The Cross Carriage Decree b. The World Rugby Seven’s fiasco c. The ongoing punishment of Fiji TV with its 6 months licience d. His conflict of interest as Minister for Communications while his brother is CEO of a major beneficiary of his policies and laws FBCTV e. His established involvement in the sacking of the two Executives of Fiji TV 2. His conflict of interest in this crisis as Secretary General of Fiji First who is the major benefactor, from his decision as Finance Minister to introduce this new funding from tax payer funds for Political Parties. 3. The Parliamentary bungling of the Consequential Bills before the Budget Estimate 4. The litany of errors in his 2015 Budget 5. His sudden attack on Freehold & State Land and the 20 second debate allocation on the revised Bills 6. Now his interference in breaching of the Independence of the Parliament, by directing the SG to impose a totally new funding arrangement for Political Parties Parliamentary offices, which we believe will net Fiji First more than $1 million of tax payers’ dollars by year 4. In a real accountable and transparent democracy, he would have already been given his marching orders. I am attaching for public information documentation and correspondence giving details of the circumstances leading up to and involving the current Parliamentary crisis. Authorized By: Ro Teimumu Kepa January 13th 2015 News Articles - fijilive/news/2015/01/opposition-rejects-parliamentary-funding-system/60292.Fijilive fijivillage/news-feature/Opposition-parties-oppose-new-system-of-funding-for-parliamentary-party-offices-59k2rs/
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 01:56:27 +0000

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