PART 10 - CONTINUATION OF DAY 2 - OPERATION BRING DOWN THE TWIN TOWERS! (ON UR WAY TO A NEW LEVEL…U WILL ALWAYS FACE A NEW DEVIL!) DAY 3- OPERATION BRING DOWN THE TWIN TOWERS AT THE CAMPUS Paul! Yes Chike? Where is Peter? He just left to the library Please go and get him,the Dean wants to see the both of at his office now Ok Chike, let me go and get him IN THE DEAN’S OFFICE Paul and Peter Mathews? Yes sir 400 levels Geometric Quantum Physics, the both of you? Yes sir Well, well, there is a serious problem, I want to bring to your notice Yes sir! We were doing a review of the entry requirements of our final year students and something came up regarding the two of you, something very serious and unusual What is it sir? We cant locate the admission letter that gave you admission four years ago, and your names were not even included in the register! But that is not possible sir! Yes, yes, it baffles me too, very unusual that you will be here for four years I mean, going to classes and writing examinations while you are not actually students! But that cannot be true sir! we were duly admitted on our JAMB scores and given admission, we underwent a matriculation, me and my brother Paul! Yes, Peter, but the records cant lie, it is well there for all to see! But sir, it could be anything, I mean.. Oh you mean the records might have been tempered with? friend, forget that! The people in charge are vetted and have worked there for years, I can vouch for their integrity, and what have they got against the two of you to go to the extend of expunging your names from records! I am not accusing anybody sir, but what you are saying cannot be right, we were…………… My friend shut up! You are saying I am lying?! No sir Oh ok young man, I take your concerns, this issues requires a serious investigation, and until we determined the status of the two of you, I will suggest you cease attending classes and keep off from the classes till the investigation is concluded! But sir, we are in the middle of writing our final degree examinations Yes, I know am sorry, it is quite unfortunate that at least one of you is the only one in the range of picking a first class degree, but brilliant or not, regulations are regulations, it is a crime to enter the university through the back door sir! Of course you know what I mean! Yes I do sir, but it is not true….. me and my brother are born agains Christians from as far as we can remember! sir no admission in the world is worth us seeking through the back door! We cant undermine our faith for anything in this world! Well, young man, or is it the new Billy Graham!?..let me tell you, even the disciples of Christ were not free from one fault or the other in their lives…..saints or no saints, we have seen cases of that nature amongst all these so call men of God who say one thing and go back to do another…, it is also the case when we are desperate for something in life! But how can we do that sir?.....We are never anxious for anything in life, we depend on our God and He brought us this far! In that case He has to come down and take you to the end of the course, because I am not going to allow you…..from this moment you stand rusticated from the campus! But please sir…listen to us sir, we can never.. The security have been informed about your issue and you are not to be seen around the campus from this moment Sir please Youngman you left me with no choice but to ring up for the security to throw the two of you fraudsters out! Sir please Ok you are still here?...wait and see!.....Hello is that the! the security office?! Yes?! Well, This is Professor Atukum,yes, Dean Faculty of Advance sciences….please…… TO CONT
Posted on: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 13:49:59 +0000

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