PART I - UNCOVERING THE ABSALOM SPIRIT, THE EVIL OVER THROWERS 1 Samuel 15:23 “For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as an iniquity and idolatry. Because thou has rejected the Word of the Lord, he hath rejected thee from being king!” Who Was Absalom?: The Bible tells us that Absalom was the third son of King David, who ended up bringing a terrible shame to his whole family, he was a “power hungry heartless up surer.” The meaning of his name is disobedience, pride, hypocrisy, self-promotion and rebellion, which is unto witchcraft. Absalom was strikingly handsome, physically flawless, but his heart was full of hopelessness, he was frustrated with his feelings of a unfulfilled life, and angry with bitterness and PRIDE! Absalom was able to persuade the men of Israel against its leadership and led them to revolt against their king through stealing the hearts of the people, through false kindness and kind gestures. He was a master manipulator. He was a master politician type, who used back slapping, hand kissing, and complimenting to woo the people. Modern Day Absaloms: The “modern day” Absalom’s are operating in the same manners as Absalom, David’s son, with the exception of the times and places, both of the motives and agendas are still the same, the only difference is instead of deceiving the Israelites, they are now causing confusion in areas such as the church and the business world! Those with an Absalom spirit thrive on hidden agendas and hidden alliances, they harbor hidden contempt and hatred and revenge against authority figures, they secretly are waiting for the perfect opportunity to spread offenses and express hidden contempt toward the leaders or authorities to whom they wish to replace. Those possessed by the Absalom Spirit believes NO leadership can be trusted, and that ALL leaders authority is incompetent; and that they are the people who should be in that position. YES, they have all the answers! They will stop at nothing and are heartless competitors against leadership. Matthew 10:21 says “A brother will betray his brother to death, a father will betray his own son, and children will rebel against their own parents and have them killed.” Those under the influence of Absalom do not care WHO they hurt, they will step on the toes of those who love them and care for them all for the sake of obtaining a position. Absalom desired to take his brother place as the next king of Israel. He did not care about breaking his brothers’ heart or hurting his feeling with his acts of betrayal! Those possessed by the Absalom Spirit seeks self-advancement at the “expense of others” and “every decision” made by his leaders are questioned. Sadly, those who have this demonic influence can no longer receive any spiritual food from its leaders. Nothing that person does will ever be good enough for Absalom! Absalom also appear to be people of great service to the church, district or business, (at first) they can appear to be those who are very helpful, but really this is all to cover up their STRONG spirit of selfish ambition!!! PART 2 HOW TO OVERCOME THE ABSALOM SPIRIT Ezekiel 18:20 Warns those who are operating in the Absalom Spirit that if they choose to not turn from their hearts and truly repent of rebellion that judgment will be their reward for their wickedness! Those who are fighting the Absalom spirit must first learn to humble themselves and deal with their selfish pride! They must on a daily basis renounce these demonic influences until all tendencies are gone. Those with an Absalom Spirit will rarely acknowledge from the heart that Jesus Christ is Lord, because they are a type of God to themselves! Here are some of the practices of those who are demonically influenced by Absalom spirits. 1. Wiccan practices / New Age 2. Ouija Boards 3. Black magic and voodoo/Spiritualist 4. Buddhist and transcendental meditation & outer body experiences 5. Atheist practices 6. False religions and cults – Islam, Jehovah’s Witnesses, etc. 7. Changing or tampering with the Word of God. 8. A strong devout religious spirit! 9. Self-Worship 10. Witchcraft including roots and satanic bible and idolatrous worship. PART 3 - Now that we have discussed some of their practices, we will now discuss the characteristics of those oppressed by the Absalom spirit. 1. A spiritual restlessness and turmoil. 2. Haughtily and extremely prideful. 3. Full of hidden rebellious pride. 4. Master manipulator. (He will tell you what you want to hear) 5. Loves self-honor. 6. One is not dependent on God and refuses subjection to God or His delegates. 7. False humility that is hidden under his evil self-ambition 8. Obsessed with one’s self-image / loves images of himself and self-promotes. 9. Causes division by using sweetness. (They woo undiscerning individuals). 10. The create themselves in “Their” own image instead of letting God create them in “His. 11. They seek and audience and are longing for a great platform. 12. They pour out exaggerated sweetness through gifts and compliments. 13. They are unteachable because often they are “know it all’s.” 14. Their goal is always for position and power. 15. Nothing their Leaders do will ever be good enough for them. 16. They will never ever truly help others, they are always trying to push their own agendas. 17. They are extremely motivated by personal gain! Greedy! 18. Motivated by the 7 deadly sins; instead of the fruit of the spirit. 19. Lack of time in the presence of God. 20. They are self-seeking. 21. Boasting of achievements and revelation. 22. Use of position of authority or spiritual gift to fulfill selfish ambition and vision. 23. False self-glory and self-confidence. 24. Strong desire to be served. 25. Loves to listen to complaints that undermine authority. 26. They will eventually undermine authority (If they are not discerned). 27. They will eventually come forth with open disloyalty and division. 28. They have hidden agendas and motives. 29. To obtain something that God has not given him. CONCLUSION In order to overcome the spirit of Absalom we must hold on to the profession of our faith and examine ourselves before the Lord! The church in this season we must: 1. Humble ourselves daily; 2. We must desire daily to be led by the Holy Spirit; 3. Be honest with oneself and examining our motives; 4. Be subject and accountable to wise and mature leadership; 5. We must desire the filling of the Holy Spirit; 6. Ask God to reveal our hearts for our personal assessment and correction; 7. Never be silent about things contrary to the Word of God; 8. We must have strong prayer lives; 9. Except/receive deliverance in our personal lives; 10. Study and line up your life with the Word of God.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 10:27:01 +0000

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