PEOPLE WHO WILL BE LEFT BEHIND I want to talk a little bit about - TopicsExpress


PEOPLE WHO WILL BE LEFT BEHIND I want to talk a little bit about what is about to happen on earth. These are some of the things that are going to be happening moments after the Rapture. Don’t fool yourselves into thinking that you might still have time if the Rapture happens and you still get left behind. You will still get a chance to repent and finally really believe and give your heart total to Jesus and also live that life of total obedience to Him. Now I am going to give you some of the example of things that are about to happen on earth after the Rapture. I am not saying every pilot is a born again Christian but some are and I want you to understand if you are in a plane and your pilot is part of the Bride of Christ that means they will be Rapturing so they will vanish in a twinkle of an eye. Which means that plane is going to crash, whiles at the mean time you don’t even know that your pilot has vanished (Rapture) and you and probably the rest of the people on board will not even have seconds to even repent and accept Jesus or rededicate your lives to the Him. Planes are going to be dropping from the sky all over the over the world causing great chaos all over. During the Rapture people are going to be vanishing in a twinkle of an eye all over the world. It will be such a great time for the people Rapturing but a disastrous time for those who will be left behind. Just imagine you are in a public transportation, in a train, a ship (cruise, etc.), boats etc. the operators from some of those transports might and will Rapture so who is going to be operating them when they operators vanish in a winkle of an eye because they are part of the Bride of Christ. It might even take some minutes before anyone realizes they are gone and all of us know all it takes is a second for an accident to happen. Sometimes they can be so deadly too. When I am driving my car I love seeing those stickers people have on their cars that says “If you are behind me when the Rapture happens know that this vehicle will not be operated.” They are trying to tell you in case of the Rapture they will be Rapturing so their vehicle might hit your vehicle and you might die on the spot and etc. The truth is some people might not get that second chance to give their lives to Jesus after the Rapture and it could be anyone of us so we cannot take any chances because those people might end up in the gates of hell. That is why it is very important that we live the life God has called and created us to live now. My brothers and sisters don’t get confuse, we don’t have time, we really, really, really don’t have time now. I was sensing the power of God going through my body as I was reading the message. It is very, very important that you don’t take these things for granted. Even if you are in my car and I am the one driving, you don’t know the Rapture is happening or is about to happen neither do I. I might drive the car into another vehicle, a tree or even over a bridge, dam or river etc. and right then the other people in my car in case they don’t get Rapture they might get in a critical accident or even die on the spot etc. Those people will go to hell. Don’t get confuse into thinking you have time, now is the time, so let all of us live the life God has called us to live. If the Rapture happens during winter time just imagine how bad it will be. Even our Lord told us we should pray that the Rapture does not happen in winter; Matthew 24:20. Why did Jesus say that? It is because those people who are living in cold places in different parts of the world it might be winter there and keep in mind all the accidents that will happen moments after the Rapture all over the world. There will be numerous power outages all over the world. Those people who will be living at those places where the season will be winter they will not be able to turn on the heat or do so many things due to the power outages. Some people might freeze to death and those who only have refrigerated food will starve (hunger will kill them) to death and etc. So it is very, very important that we live the life God has called us to live now not tomorrow so that we will not be left behind or find ourselves in the gates of hell. Because when we get left behind there is nothing that is promise to us that we might end up entering the gates of Heaven because only those who will be able to only accept Jesus into their heart and lives but also they will have to resist the devil in so many ways including refusing to accept the Mark of the Beast (666). You will have to understand with all those power outages and all the other things that will be happening moments after the Rapture it is going scary for those left behind and most will not even be aware the Rapture has taken place and so many people are going to be so afraid. Remember that is going to be the same time that the AntiChrist will be active as the devil (devil’s son, like God said to me one day the AntiChrist is like the son of satan just like Jesus is thee Son of the Almighty Living God) too. The AntiChrist is going to control everything. It will actually be better for those who will be living at tropical areas during that time. The people who will refuse to receive the Mark of the Beast (666) guess what? Those people will not be able to get power (electric) to their residence, so that means we will not be able to get heat into their houses and etc. We really don’t have time, so many don’t even realize the Mark of the Beast (666) is already ready and so is the AntiChrist. It is very, very important that we know these things and we are taking all these things so lightly. How are you even going to put gas (fuel) in your car? The AntiChrist is going to control everything, the bible talks about this. The only people who can buy and sell are those who have receive the Mark of the Beast in either their right hand or forehead. If you get the Mark to you are doom for the eternity in hell. The bible talks about this and how crucial it is and will also be that people know all these things before hand. 15He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. 16He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.” Revelation 13:15-18(NKJV) Revelation 13 verse 15. It tells us the AntiChrist will allow so many to be killed because they refused to worship his image. So he will be coming after those people who will give their lives to Jesus and refuse to take the Mark of the Beast because the moment anyone accepts the mark that means they are mark to spend eternal life in hell with the devil. Matthew 24:16-18, tells us those who will be left behind should not go to the cities and etc. that people need to run away from the cities especially those who have not repented of their sins yet or given their lives to the Lord (which will include all the Lukewarm Christians because if they had been a Bride without spot or wrinkle they would have been part of the Bride of Christ that were Raptured) and need to do as soon as possible before they are caught or beheaded by the AntiChrist and his followers. Run for your lives because it is very important that we understand that it will be easier for the AntiChrist and his followers to control the cities more suburbs but sooner or later they will get there too. Don’t deceive yourselves once again into thinking you can defeat or fight the AntiChrist. The only way you can defeat him, his followers and the kingdom of darkness or hell is by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and working out your salvation with fear and trembling. It is also very important that we all understand just because someone refuses the Mark of the Beast and does not accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and is killed by AntiChrist’s and his team does not mean they are going to Heaven or spend eternal life with the Lord. They will actually have to repent of their sins and ask Jesus into their hearts and others will have to rededicate their lives back to Jesus again (those will be Lukewarm Christians). I really don’t know how many times I can keep repeating these words probably till it finally sinks in your spirit that we don’t have time and you don’t want to take anything lightly. Even after the Rapture, it tells us he (A/C) is going to be in power not only in the physical realm but also in the spiritual realm. He will be in power in the sense that he is going to be controlling the world, since he is satan son or right hand man he too believes the lie there is no God that actually he is the god. The AntiChrist is going to be controlling everything including the media and he will do all he can to try to convince people there is no such thing a Rapture, that the Rapture did not happen and it is actually an alien that has adapted them or they have been kidnapped. It is the AntiChrist’s job to be used fully by the devil to try to do all he can so people will deny the existence of Jesus and also that the bible is a lie so many will end up spending eternal life in hell. My brothers, sisters and the unbelievers don’t believe those things because it is part of the plan from the enemy so we will not know the truth especially for those who will be left behind. Revelation 13 verse 16. The AntiChrist will cause many to receive the mark, so it does not matter who you are during that time if you are poor, rich, old, middle age, middle class and etc. he is going cause all to receive the mark (666) so it is very important that we know all these things. We serve an awesome God who put all these things on paper so we will not be deceived but we will have knowledge about what is about to happen on earth. Revelation 13 verse 17. The people who will be able to buy or sell will be those people with the name of the Beast or his Mark. Oh my brothers, sisters and unbelievers since we know we are already in the End Times and some are not sure if they are going to Rapture, but some do know because God has already told them that they will be Rapturing but it does not mean those people should fall asleep in the spirit now because they too can be left behind especially with they start going back to their old lives. If someone is not Christian they already know they cannot be Rapture because the bible says those who are His (God’s) have His Spirit dwelling in them, Hallelujah. The Word of God also says Jesus is coming for a Bride (Christians) without spot or wrinkle; Ephesians 5:27. So if you know you are living a lukewarm life you cannot and will not be Rapturing. We need to start storing up some food etc. No one will be able to buy or sell, whether to go to work and etc. remember money is going to be useless. Everything is going to be done through that Mark (666), that Mark. It is very important that we don’t take it lightly that after the Rapture we might get a chance to some of us can’t even fast for one day so just imaging going days without food you might end up not being able to resist the devil by refusing the Mark just for food sake. Some people like I said before will or might die on the spot and they will end up in the gates of hell because after the Rapture they were part of those people who did not get a second chance to repent and give their lives to Jesus Christ. They were probably in the airplanes, vehicles etc. or around places where people operating those transports were, so they did not know even for them to run and hide somewhere for safety. The airplanes will be falling from the sky and they will be hitting public, residential areas, private places and etc. so if you are there and you have been left behind guess what those things will be coming right unto you and you will not get a chance to repent. You might not get a chance to repent or give your lives to the Lord, Jesus. Please make copies of this sermon and also please feel free to sacrifice some of your personal time and translate this some into the main languages of your country and dialects so people can read it too and give them to your love ones the saved and the unsaved. So that they will know and understand what is about to happen on earth. Even now we don’t have time. At the end if we chose to live for God or not we will all make an account for the lives we have lived here on earth to Him. Whether we chose to be Christians or not we will all be judge at the end. Those who will to accept Him will at the end also spend eternal life in hell. By Sister Sandra Sadiq
Posted on: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 16:05:35 +0000

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