PERSONAL INTERESTS My interest in Tesla began as a - TopicsExpress


PERSONAL INTERESTS My interest in Tesla began as a child. From age 6, I lived in (Zemun) Belgrade, where one of my first neighbors was wrestler Djuro Gostovic. At the time, Mr. Gostovic was the strongest man in Serbia, but he was also a personal friend of Nikola Tesla. As a child, I was more interested in learning to wrestle from Mr. Gostovic, but he assured me that it was more important to be smart. He told me stories about the great inventor, the world, New York City. I visited the Tesla Museum in Belgrade and started to read everything I could find about Tesla. There are a lot of things surrounding Teslas life that are uncertain, and some are more clear. A good detective looks to the hard facts first, then makes logical inferences. Sometimes, what seem to be hard facts, however, can be false. This is why it is important that a detective be able to apply logic to what he knows and determine what is true. This is what I am doing, and now I am doing it with you. Please do not hold back and let me know what you think makes sense and what you think does not. I will carefully consider all of your input and you might help me see things in a way I previously could not. If you cannot tell me something today, write to me. John ONeill wrote the Prodigal Genius, a book I still have in my collection today. As a child and now after 50 years of trying to figure out the truth, I still do not understand what happened before and after January 7, 1943 regarding Tesla and his documents. What was his message to humanity? Im still working to figure these things out and I will publish my findings when I get to an answer. I began to work as an inventor as a young man, earning several accolades, including my most prized, the Gold Medal of Nikola Tesla. Right now, I am working as a private detective which helps me continue my work on my interests The Truth about Tesla. ABOUT OUR ORGANIZATION I founded the Nikola Tesla Inventors Club in Philadelphia on July 10, 2004 as a club for inventors. This group is still around today. We hold an annual inventors conference (the first week of march) and hold monthly meetings around the city with lectures on various topics regarding inventions and the work of Nikola Tesla. More details are available at NikolaTeslaInventorsClub. The idea is to start up the same kind of group in Zemun, where we already have a space and many interested people. With time, we started to attract members who were very interested in Teslas life, work and philosophy but were not inventors. This led to the creation of the Nikola Tesla Club NikolaTeslaClub , which is definitely the most active Tesla-related group in the world. We hold lectures at schools, colleges and various institutions. We hold many events to bring Tesla fans together, including out Tesla Night celebration held each year on Teslas birthday. This celebration takes place at Independence Mall, right in front of the Liberty Bell. There are satellite events in cities all over, and Zemun held its first Tesla Night celebration in 2011. Our goal is to have the main celebration in Serbia, as Tesla would have wanted. Teslas birthday (July 9/10) is now officially recognized as a holiday in Philadelphia, the only city to date to do so. In the days surrounding the Tesla Night celebration, we hold a science conference, a celebration, a dinner, a series of lectures and musical performances. The events bring many people to Philadelphia from around the world and We view Tesla as a sort of saint of science and knowledge and wish to present him that way. Our goal is to have him canonized as he is certainly one of the most deserving people to have ever lived. Tesla was a man who, above all, wanted life to be better for all people. Without his contributions, our modern lives would not be possible. In the same way that a world without Teslas contributions is incomparable to the world we live in today, a world where his ideas are fully realized will be that much better. Tesla should be a saint of all nations and faiths because he was working for the betterment of all mankind. On our website, Sv-Tesla, there is a petition to the Serbian Orthodox Church for Teslas Canonization. As a child, I had a picture of Tesla next to a picture of St. George. All of Teslas explanations about the world, light and energy are understandable and explain the worlds biggest mysteries. The Tesla Science Foundation was started a few years ago. . The groups goal is to unite all lovers of Tesla, with no motive for profit. In addition to lectures, we hold a science conference, which this year spanned 4 days. We would like to create a Tesla Center in Philadelphia and a Tesla Traveling exhibit entitled Tesla: Past Present and Future. We are in talks with the City of Philadelphia for a space, but will also look to private financiers if that fails. It has not been difficult to find investors, but we are concerned about investors having too much control over the direction of the organization. For years, I have been working on compiling a list of names of people who are involved in some way with Tesla and his work. Our communication center, on which I am working with some of the most eminent scientists from that field, will enable close communications between people working on similar projects, regardless of physical location. We are currently in contact with roughly 7000 Tesla fans and that number is growing daily. In one part of the building, we would have a laboratory. This work in particular has been slowed by the economic crisis. We also work with lots of artists and plan to display their work in a Tesla art gallery. Also, we have been collecting Tesla-related books in various languages for some time now and plan to have a library and space for playing films about Tesla. Our cooperation with the Franklin Institute, Art Institute, Free Library of Philadelphia and various schools and universities gives us the opportunity to show a lot of people who Tesla was and we have been very successful in that regard. Become a member! visit us at meetup/ntesla-38/. Even if youre unable to physically attend out events and meetings, we will be posting videos and will be able to keep you updated about out activities. Nikola Lonchar 484 955 0545. Skype: Nikola.Loncar32 UNANSWERED QUESTIONS ABOUT TESLA Finding the truth about Tesla is difficult because a lot has been fabricated. What if John ONeill was Hoovers guy and took us in a whole different direction? ONeill didnt release Teslas biography until after Teslas death. Why? All other Tesla authors went off of ONeills work. What happened to Teslas body and where is he now? Was he really cremated? At the time of Teslas death, the world was doing some of the most intensive experiments on the human brain. There is no evidence that Tesla wanted to be cremated; why would Sava Kosanovic make that decision? The Orthodox religion does not permit cremation. Was the Wardenclyffe tower just an experiment for Tesla and why did he abandon the project? Did JP Morgan stop the project because there was no way to profit off of free energy. Does someone with so much power really need an electric meter? Did Tesla stop the project because he feared his work would be used for the wrong purposes? (Tesla said that the tower would work when the time was right). They say the Tower was knocked down because it could be seen off shore by ships; isnt that true of the Empire State Building as well? Tesla didnt take even a single paper or instrument out of the lab. Why? Was Tesla playing a game with Hoover and the CIA? Why was Tesla and his worked wiped from US History? There is barely any mention of him anywhere in the Smithsonian. Tesla was a US citizen in lived in the US for 60 years. He created the second industrial revolution and helped bring the country out of the Great Depression. Tesla is not mentioned in the history books. Who was so powerful as to wipe him out? Will we ever have Free Energy? and will it be on the heels of Teslas ideas? With this lead to a third industrial revolution? In 1943, the Supreme Court overturned Marconis patent for improvements to the radio, citing that Teslas patent predated Marconis. Marconi received the Nobel Prize. Why hasnt Tesla received this kind of recognition? Sava Kosanovic was a powerful man; why didnt he fix the error? Who did he work for? Why is there no Tesla Museum in the US???. -- Nikola Lonchar President / Founder Tesla Science Foundation Phone; 484 955 0545 Skype; Nikola.Loncar32
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 06:04:05 +0000

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