PLEASE HELP ...... I am asking all of the people that are on this - TopicsExpress


PLEASE HELP ...... I am asking all of the people that are on this page to share this post...... Brett Williams killers to rot in jail. was started to force the South African Police Service to arrest the murderers of Brett Williams at Kings Park. There were unacceptable delays that eventually had senior members from the Justice Department and Political parties, stepping in and demanding action. This page and the emails by the admin, were instrumental in gaining this support. From there the call grew to include the following - Ensuring that justice is done. - Ensuring the Management of Kings Park takes a more active role in securing its patrons before, during and after matches. - Ensuring sufficient members of the various police forces involved are positioned strategically around the stadium to stop further criminal behavior. - Ensuring that the security company, hired by the Management of Kings Park, are correctly trained in how to intervene and what action to take. The trial has been set down for March the 10th to the 14th 2014 in the Durban Regional Court..... and the 2014 rugby season is about to start. ACT NOW!!!! I am asking that everyone that has liked this page and/or who views our posts, to share this with your friends. Ask them to like this page.. We need the numbers to grow. We need to make a stand against criminals and we need to let the authorities know that we do not accept their excuses. Bretts murder could have been avoided, if the correct action was taken at the initial altercation. Why do I say that....because the paramedics had just finished treating Brett. For those that do not know..... there was an initial fight. A second fight occurred between Brett and the 4 accused where he was beaten to death. The barbaric behavior of these 4 people can never be tolerated. A female medic stepped in during the second altercation and stopped one of the 4 from smashing Bretts head with a brick. The medics were there ... the security took little or no action and the police forces were missing in action. Bretts family have been devastated. Children left without a father. This is not the face of South Africa. This is not the face of rugby. This is not the face of Durban. This is not the face of Kings Park, or the Sharks. It is the face of evil. The face of 4 evil punks. Why the attitude....because - Not once have they admitted their wrong - Not once have they addressed Bretts family - More than once, the Shepard brothers and their parents have been seen smiling IN and OUTSIDE of court. - They show absolutely no remorse. Worst of all these scum bags....and particular the SHEPARD brothers and their PARENTS...... have a reputation of intimidation and for making dockets and cases disappear. Not this time you sick freaks. You were given many opportunities to reform. Now you have killed. 19 witnesses was the last count ....and increasing.....did you forget that all those past crimes may come back to haunt you? Which one of you is prepared to go to jail, lose your freedom, to protect a friend, a fellow scum bag. Are you prepared to give up your right to travel beyond our borders? Are you prepared to be nothing for the rest of your life just so he gets a lesser sentence? Which one of you is going to break first. Whatever happens .... this is for life. We are asking for your support to get a conviction. Not just any conviction. One that will set an example to others. This must never happen again. R.I.P. Brett Williams
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 12:03:02 +0000

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