PLEASE HELP ME - I DIE ON FRIDAY, 11/28/14, UNLESS SOMEONE LIKE YOU STEPS UP FOR ME AND SAVES MY DEAR LIFE! PLEASE READ THE NICE THINGS THEY HAVE TO SAY ABOUT ME AT THE SHELTER: Inside the Care Center (and especially inside her kennel) Java is not a happy girl. She barks up a storm whenever I pause by her door, eats my offerings of roast beef only after I leave and to look at her youd think she had zero interest in socializing and wanted only to be left alone. But this is one beautiful book whos worth so much more than her cover and all that posturing is merely a defensive front, the last resort of a desperately scared soul with her back (literally) against the wall. Off-leash in the yard the real Java comes out to play and what a tail-wagging, lap-snuggling, face-kissing sweetheart she is! She sits politely for treats and takes them nicely from my hand, lets me dress her in a flowered necklace with no complaints and is more than happy to cuddle on the bench as she frantically smooches my face and hands in delighted gratitude over this sudden good fortune. When I hold up a tennis ball Java cowers to the ground at first but once I show her how it works she happily joins me in chasing her new toy around the yard and its so nice to catch a fleeting glimpse of the carefree puppy she must once have been. Then its more food, more loving, more kisses - Java simply cannot get enough! But all good things must come to an end and as we return inside I sadly watch her posture go from wiggle-butt to frightened crawl within seconds. When I tether her to try and capture some photos she literally crumples to the floor and her big brown eyes look up at me, betrayed and disbelieving...but but but, I thought we were friends? With a heavy heart and a generous helping of roast beef I reluctantly return Java to her kennel and force myself to turn away. What she needs is so much more than I can offer and only a committed and experienced forever family will do. Java is searching for a home where food and kindness are plentiful, voices are gentle and hands are raised only for petting. A safe place where a scared girl can forget what it means to be afraid and learn to live again. If you can give her the security, time and love she so desperately craves please dont hesitate, Java needs your help right now...
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 02:27:34 +0000

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