PLEASE READ THIS! Yeah, RW may or may not have committed suicide. - TopicsExpress


PLEASE READ THIS! Yeah, RW may or may not have committed suicide. But you few, who on the day of his death, have labeled him as a coward, or have lost respect for him. I have this to say to you: HOW DARE YOU. How dare you judge him, or his life, on YOUR opinion of it. No one person can truly know another mans demons. You dont know what was eating the man. He has been battling disease, whether it be addiction, or heart disease, or other issues which didnt deem media attention. YOU dont know this man. This ICON of entertainment. You, nor I, can possibly fathom the demons this man was battling while out of camera range. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Not only for the reason that you decided to JUDGE him before his body even hit room temperature. But that YOU may have cost another person...THEIR LIFE. What if someone, who was struggling with depression, and BARELY holding on, skipping across the surface of reality, decided NOT to reach out to one of their friends(maybe YOU), for help in dealing with their pain, because of the selfish way you deal with others? What if that person is your husband? Wife? CHILD? Maybe your life is fantastic, and the worst trauma youve ever faced is long grocery lines, but you simply CAN NOT judge others based on YOUR ability to cope. Depression is MORE than real. It consumes people to the point that their entire perception of reality is skewed. Everything can become dark, ugly, terrifying, or impossibly intimidating. If you dont understand that, then you should do some reading instead of some typing. Im not gonna go and delete you, because youre just as entitled to your opinion as I am, and our ability to disagree and converse about it kinda defines us. ....But I may judge you a little bit. PS. My door is always open. Come to me if youre hurting. I may not understand at first, but Ill listen, and I pledge to you, that Ill help you any way that I can. Life may be the harder of the choices, but with a solid buddy, the possibilities are limitless.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 08:01:56 +0000

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