PLEASE SEND THIS TO YOUR FRIENDS, CONGRESSMAN AND LOCAL PAPER’S LETTERS TO THE EDITOR NOW IS THE TIME TO REIGN IN EXECUTIVE ORDERS! AS NO constitutional provision OR statute support the existence of Executive Orders, why are we allowing Obama to use them to subvert our laws and constitution? “EXECUTIVE ORDERS” DIDN’T EXIST BEFORE LINCOLN, only innocuous Presidential Proclamations—usually trivial things such as the days of national mourning on the death of a notable etc. But entering office just prior to our Civil War’s onset and finding congress out of session—Lincoln had a choice: He could do the honorable thing and call congress back into session—or dictatorially usurp their power to rule by edict. He chose the latter and issued the first of the power-grabbing constitution drubbing pronunciamentos we today call: “Executive Orders.” Using his newly minted Executive Orders, Lincoln unconstitutionally nationalized our telegraph system and railroads before going on a binge to rule by fiat all over the place. And, as the returning congress remained silent on the matter, their tacit approval gave precedence for their power’s being usurped. Sixty eight years would pass before another constitution stomper would come along when—just days after his inauguration—Franklin Delano Roosevelt issue Executive Order #6102—AN ORDER SO ARROGANT IT LITERALLY STOLE POWER OUT FROM UNDER A GUTLESS SITTING CONGRESS’ NOSE! His declared a bank holiday—forbid banks from releasing gold in any form when they reopened—ordered the public to exchange its gold for paper currency at his newly depreciated rate of $20.67 per Troy Ounce of gold—and that violation of he edict be punished by a fine of up to $10,000 or up to ten years in prison, or both! In one fell swoop FDR created a punishable crime out of thin-air while stealing the public’s gold in violation of our 5th Amendment’s, “nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation,” for where in this Order is there anything resembling Due Process or just compensation? In fact, his devaluing gold and forcing people to turn theirs at his deflated rate made the act theft pure and simple. FDR’s power grabs continued without stint until Executive Order 6763 created the National Labor Relations Board and at long last, our Supreme Court stepped in to declare this power grab unconstitutional. But none of this stopped Roosevelt’s lawlessness from reaching new heights when he ordered Secretary of War, Henry L. Stimson, to build internment camps and force our west coast Japanese-Americas—regardless of citizenship—into them. [Executive Order #9066] FDR’s EOs were the first declared unconstitutional by our Supreme Court, but learning nothing from this, Truman tried the trick by federalizing the Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. [Executive Order 10340] But once again our Supreme Court shot it down as nothing more than an attempt to make law, rather than clarify one. Something a constitutional scholar such as Obama should know right? If he were one that is. Today, another constitution-stomper threatens to go around existing laws and congress to write his own law granting amnesty to countless illegals which would be, illegal unconstitutional and completely against the will of the people. Whereas Article II, Section 1, Clause 1 of our Constitution makes perfectly clear that the President shall, “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” HE HAS NO POWER FROM ANY SOURCE WHATSOEVER ALLOWING HIM to determine which laws he will enforced, which he will not, or to write laws of his own for that would amount to a veto power not granted in either our constitution or laws, or a legislative function also devoid of any authorization. And with nothing but a questionable precedent set by a gutless silent congress to justify the Executive Order’s existence, isn’t it time we woke up to recognize that Obama’s using one against us in this manner is a criminal act? As a counter to such tyrannical illegalities, might I suggest that our new congress avoid the time wasting trips to that Crap-Game-on-the-Potomac—our Supreme Court by: Amending our constitution to authorize the use of Executive Orders ONLY at the sufferance of Congress which shall retain the power to amend or overturn them in whole or in part by a simple majority in both houses, or a two thirds vote of EITHER congressional body. Arthur W. Ritchie As Obama’s knee-jerk reaction to this will be a veto, my question is: WILL HE THEN—PETULANT HITLER LIKE—USE HIS LAST DAYS TO DESTROY AS MUCH OF THE COUNTRY AS POSSIBLE? I BELIEVE THIS ARROGANT ASS MIGHT DO JUST THAT. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO MODIFY ANY PERSONAL DATA NECESSARY TO GET IT INTO PRINT AS A LETTER TO THE EDITOR
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 18:14:12 +0000

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