POVERTY IN THE LAND? By Edeh wizboy Sometimes life can be - TopicsExpress


POVERTY IN THE LAND? By Edeh wizboy Sometimes life can be confusing. Recently I began to meditate and ask myself where I should, really draw the line between determination and desperation. Where is the line between materialism and a good life, where is the line between greed and having in abundance? And why should I be judged, criticized, hated and blamed for someone elses poverty, lack and insufficiencies just because I am not in those shoes? Why should I be made to feel bad for instance for buying a new car simply because a relative or friend cant afford to pay school fees or his rent? Why do I hear people, why do I see articles and social media updates often criticize people who are rich for acquiring possessions like luxurious houses, cars, clothes and all that and at the end tie their reasons for criticizing these guys to the excuse that there is poverty in the land? Of course these criticisms are in perfect order if the basis are that these material things have been acquired through corruption and illegitimate means, criminal activities and even religious leaders fleecing their followers, of course yes, we should shout and condemn these terrible conducts and impunity by all means because it is absolutely wrong and unacceptable. But if your reason for criticizing anyone who is successful in riches and wealth acquisition is because there is poverty in the land then I submit your judgment may be unfair. In my opinion there is no poverty in any land; poverty is not peculiar or restricted to a geographical location or expression, I believe poverty can only be a thing of the mind, hence in the richest countries of the world there are many poor people and in the so called poorest countries of the world there are many rich people. A country can only be as rich or as poor as the mind of her citizenry. I dont think poverty is about a place, I think its about the mind-set and mind power of the dwellers. If a desert land about 30 years ago like Dubai is now a place the whole world wants to visit and a blessed country by geographical location like Nigeria, where tubers of yams and onions begin to germinate on your concrete floor or in your close cupboard in the kitchen where there is no sunlight, manure, fertilizer or irrigation then I submit poverty is not about a land, its about the dwellers – the mind, the thinking and attitude of the citizens. If anyone decides to work on his mind, open his eyes, study his environment and come up with ideas on how he can be wealthy and rich; work hard and overcome obstacles and challenges, and another person in his neighborhood is not doing the same, then I dont think its fair to make such a one feel bad if he can afford a brand new car, a brand new house and even a private jet if his neighbor cant afford to pay his bills. I dont think its his fault. If indeed the poverty is in the land and not in the mind then poverty should have stopped the rich if it stopped their poor neighbors; I hope you understand my illustration? Its sad and scary how many of us today have been misled and misinformed by some of those who raised us and even our environment that our poor living standards, average lifestyles and less than glowing accomplishments is not our fault! Today we keep looking for people, situations and historical events to blame for the poor quality of our lives. We hardly want to take responsibility. Every day in the Nigerian work environment I come across people who are lazy, who are docile, laid back, sloppy, incompetent and ignorant carrying out their task as though theyre doing their employers a favor! Many are graduates with even post graduate qualifications who cant put together a good report, many are not creative, dynamic and productive, many are slow and you have to tell them the same things over and over and over again before they get it, simply because they dont apply their minds or themselves! Many lack the winning attitude, the competitive zeal and that passion for excellence. The thinking of many of these employees is basically ‘Im going to work today; I resume on time and when its time to close I go home’; many are actually disconnected from the spirit and purpose of the organization they work for. For them its a matter of ‘if the company succeeds we succeed together, if the company goes down I move’. Consequently many employers and top management executives become very hostile and tough, aggressive and forceful in driving their teams to deliver results. Because if they dont get this way, they will fail, their team members will disappoint them and embarrass them. So for these top guys and leaders; no more Mr. nice guy, just do your job period! Hmmmm. When many employees and the majority of the work force are this way; I mean laid back and non-productive, definitely poverty will find extended expression in that community and nation. Sadly the citizens would consequently begin to look for whom to blame for the poverty other than themselves. Then orators, eloquent speakers and writers who are apologist for the masses would begin to blame mainly political office holders as the guilty ones forgetting that these political office holders are extractions from the masses and would soon leave those offices only to be replaced maybe by a worse set, also extracted from the predominantly docile and self- centered citizenry. I submit poverty in any land is a collective fault and can be addressed when everyone is driven to create wealth by becoming more productive and hardworking and creative at what they do. If you really want this change and youre sincere about it, take a look at yourself first and start with you. Talk to and challenge that person you see in the mirror when you look into one. Start with you. Last weekend I was in a long conversation for about one hour with my security guard of northern extraction. He is actually from Zaria, in Kaduna state and we began to discuss politics and he was sharing with me updates and developments in Nigerian politics. The emergence of a new political party, the role of the chieftains, the implication for the ruling party and the likely play outs come 2015 elections. This my security guard is an illiterate, hes never being to school, he cant even put two good sentences together in English, we spoke in Hausa but I was thoroughly blown away by how much information he had about the Nigerian political scene, from history, till date and even into the future. His analysis, facts and permutations were so impressive and convincing. But I was not surprised; he is always with his radio, 24/7 getting updates, information and latest news on developments. He is not a novice, he is not ignorant, he may not be educated; he is informed. He is current. He knows whats happening, you cant confuse him. If you love your nation, if you love your organization you will not be passive about events and developments, you will be interested and willing to learn and know, its less of education or qualification its more about passion, commitment, interest and devotedness. You will love the place enough to give your all, youll be interested in the challenges, limitations and issues confronting your organization and you will want to help solve problems. When youre involved – working so hard and managing your time well, you would hardly have time for gossip, slander, envy, jealousy and dirty, petty politics. You will have your face set like a flint; focused on your vision, purpose, responsibility and assignment. And eventually I promise you, your reward would come, your wealth will show up, poverty will vanish because youre a wealth creator. The unfriendly business climate will give way for you and the state of any economy will bow to you. Hard work, creativity, productivity and excellence repel poverty and lack anywhere in the world including Nigeria. But when you keep looking for who will address your poverty issues for you, you cant help but notice other peoples brand new cars, expensive jewelry, brand new houses and even private jets and feel bad because according to you theres poverty in the land, enjoy your day!
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 08:18:41 +0000

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