PRAYER FOR MY SON – A MIDSHIPMAN. Heavenly Father, my son - TopicsExpress


PRAYER FOR MY SON – A MIDSHIPMAN. Heavenly Father, my son becomes a Midshipman today. I’m so proud that he was selected from many applicants, that he’s endured the rigors of the Naval Academy Prepatory School and that he is beginning Plebe Summer today. But, Lord, I must confess I’m very worried too. This is a dangerous and tough career. I’m glad he’s his own man and he feels called to protect our great country. And I’m thrilled to see him so fulfilled and eager to serve. But please, God, don’t let him be wounded or killed by our country’s enemies. You be his daily shield and protector. Someday, he may be called upon to make a split-second decision to take the life of another. He may be put in a position to order his men and himself into harm’s way. Please give him a clear head and sound judgment, so he will never give an order that causes a life to be taken needlessly. However, Father if he must, please make his sword swift. Father, put your hand on his shoulder and provide an extra measure of courage that allows him to remain calm while recognizing fear. Give him moral courage to have the inner strength to stand up for what is right and to accept blame when something is his fault. Give him physical courage so he can continue to function effectively when there is physical danger present. Help him to be a man of integrity. He wants to help people, but help him not to make promises that can’t be kept. Help him to speak the truth even though it may not be what people want to hear. Help him to be a subordinate who his Commanding Officer is proud of and thankful for. Help him to be aware of things that need to be done and then to do them without having to be told. Watch over him so that he exhibits the highest standards of personal conduct and is never content with meeting only the minimum requirements. Help him be a leader that serves those in his command. Guide him Father to be the officer others want to serve under. Help him to treat all people fairly regardless of race, belief, age, or their treatment of him. When he’s cursed, taunted or mocked by our enemies, help him not to return evil for evil but to overcome evil with good. Father, insure he is honest with himself about why he is making particular decision. Guide him to avoid favoritism. Remind him of the golden rule; “treat others as he would like to be treated”. Lord, guide him to be courteous, cheerful and fair at all times and treat all things and people in an equal manner. Give him an extra measure of discernment. Lord, teach him to deal with people in a manner that will maintain good relations and avoid problems. Help him to be lenient if giving a break would make a positive difference, but help him not to get snookered by con men. Guide him Father to be a living representation of all that is good, right and great about our sacred country. Father, teach and guide him to be loyal, to never discuss the problems of the Naval Academy or his unit with outsiders. Never talk about senior officers unfavorably in front of classmates or subordinates. Once a decision is made and the order is given to execute it, teach him to carry out that order willingly as if it were his own. Father give him endurance. Be with him during the physical training that will strengthen his body. Guide him to finish every task to the best of his ability and to push on when he is physically tired and his mind is sluggish. Help him avoid making rash decisions and to approach the rigors of becoming an officer with a common sense attitude and a focus on the goal. Help him to remember his ideals and not get discouraged about the imperfections in the system. Guide him to be where he is supposed to be on time, by not making excuses and by carrying out every task to the best of his ability regardless of whether he likes it or agrees with it. Keep him positive in his actions and help him to always avoid acting half-heartedly. Give him a sincere interest and exuberance in the performance of his duties. Lord, guide him to make good decisions without delay. May he be faithful to his calling even though the end result isn’t always what he’d hoped for. Help him to keep a positive perspective on life by making his faith a priority, remaining active in his church, staying involved in his community and keeping in touch with his family and friends. Lord, he’ll see the sordid side of life, help him not to become jaded or cynical. May he never be too experienced to care, too worldly to cry, too despairing to laugh or too self-sufficient to call upon You. Give him a tough skin and a tender heart. Father, he looks so good in that uniform. Father, keep him pure for the wife that you have waiting for him. Always remind him that his uniform is another symbol of this great country. May he always wear it with pride not in self, but in our country. May he always wear it as a symbol of what is good, what is just, what is right in our country’s freedom. This is a proud day for me, Father. My son is a Midshipman. He is taking the first steps toward becoming an officer and gentleman. May he serve our country with such honor, integrity and sensitivity that one day when he stands before You, the Judge of the Universe, he will hear You say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” Amen.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 11:54:13 +0000

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