PRAYER POINTS FOR THE WEEKEND OF PRAISING HIS HOLY NAMES! 1. Father, I Thank You For it is another Friday the beginning of another weekend! Thank You for Your Power that kept us all the week day and night, while awake or asleep! Daddy we can never Thank You enough! Accept out thanks in the Name of Jesus! 2. Father, I Thank You for You are a God of Wisdom. Knowledge and Understanding! You know me before my conception in my mothers womb! You know me inside out! You know me more thank I know myself and more than anybody else! Such knowledge is so awesome and so wonderful to me! You know every department of my life and the number of hairs on my head! You know my coming in and my going out! With You there is no hiding place out of Your Sight!By You all my actions are constantly weighed! I voluntarily humble myself before You this morning! Father, grant me the grace to be God conscious every moment of my life in The Name of Jesus! 3. Father, You are The Almighty God! You are The Awesome God! There is none holy as You Lord! There is none beside You! You are InDescribable! You are Incomprehensible! You are Indivisible! You are Omnipotent! You are Omniscient! You are Omnipresent! You are Omni-everything God! You are The Rock of Ages! You are The Ancient of Days! You are The King of kings! You are The Lord of Lords! The God of Our Fathers! The God of Abraham! The God of Isaac! The God Jacob! The God of Israel! The God of Emman 4. Father, I Praise Your Name For Who You are! You are Jehovah Elohim - The Eternal Creator! You are Jehovah Adonai - Our Sovereign God! You are Jehovah Jireh - The Great Provider! You are Jehovah Shalom - The Prince of Peace! You are Jehovah El-Shaddai - The God Who is More than enough! You are Our Sufficiency! You are Jehovah Tsidekenu - The Lord Our Righteousness! You are Jehovah Nissi - Our Banner Our Victory! You are Jehovah Hossenu - Our Maker! You are Jehovah Shammah - The Ever Present God! You are Jehovah Eloheenu - Our Awesome God! You are Jehovah Elyon - The Most High God! You are Jehovah Rohi - The Lord Our Shepherd! You are Jehovah Saboath - The Strong and Mighty Lord of Host! You are Jehovah Mekkaddishkem - The Lord Our Sanctifier! You are Jehovah Eloheeka - The Almighty God! You are Jehovah Ropheka- The Lord Our Healer! You are Jehovah Elohim - The Lord Our Eternal Creator! Father, As Your Children call You by Your Name The weekend Be Unto Us The Meaning of Your Holy Name in The Name of Jesus! 5. Father, Today I pray for Our Nation and Nations of our sojourning - According to Your Word! We are Your People Who are called bu Your name! We Humble Ourselves as we pray! We confess our sins and forsake them! We forsake our wickedness and see Your Face! Father Hear Our cries O Lord! Forgive us our sins! And Heal our Land! I use Nigeria as a point of contact for all African Nations, Father Heal our Land! I use United Kingdom as a point of contact for all European Nations, Father Heal our Land! Father I use Israel as a point of contact for the Nations in the Middle East, Father I pray for The Peace of Jerusalem! Father, I use USA as a point of contact for The American Nations, Father Heal our Land! Father, I use China as a point of contact for all Asian Nations, Father, Heal Your land! Father Heal Canada, Heal New Zealand and Heal Australis! Put and end to National Crises and National Disasters be it Natural, Un-natural or Man Made blunder - Father Heal our Land! Father, Our Prince of Peace Let Your Peace Reign in our Land and in every crises zone of the world! Prosper our Land and The Land of our Sojourning in their prosperity let us be prospered! 6. Father, Hear our Prayers and Answer us speedily! As You have heard from our Mouth Father do unto us! Turn all our prayers points and requests to testimonies! Before we call hear us! While we are yet speaking answer us! As we decree a thing let them be established! Move every mountain of problem and difficulties before us! Bring down all the walls of Jericho blocking our Way of progress! Let all The Red seas of hindrances and limitation part asunder! Fill all the valleys of hopelessness and woes! And make all the crooked ways straight in The Mighty Name of Jesus! 5. Father, We declare according to Your Word! It shall be well with us Body, Soul and Spirit! It shall be well with our Family and our Household! It shall be well with our Career, our Business and our Ministry! It shall be well with our Leaders, both secular and Spiritual! We shall end The Year with Joy and Rejoicing! We shall enter The New Year with Joy and Rejoicing! We shall forever serve The Lord! We shall Fulfil Purpose! We shall fulfil Destiny! We shall reach our divine given goals in The Mighty name of Jesus! Thank You Lord for answering our Prayers in The Mighty Name of Jesus! (Amen)! Let Somebody Shout Hallelujah! EMMANUEL=GOD WITH US!
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 04:30:06 +0000

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